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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. to get it off, hit it from underneath. to put it on, hit it from the top side.
  2. Yep. To replace it, use the same method, but from the other side
  3. Rubbish: I took the power back remember?
  4. This bro's got allllll the minerals. But if I ever was to get in the ring with Chandler, here's what you might see. Revolver comes out to meet Chandler, but Chandler starts to retreat. If Chandler back up an inch farther, he'll wind up in a ringside seat. Revolver swings with his left. Revolver swings with his right. Just look at the kid carry the fight. Chandler keeps backin', but there's not enough room. It's only a matter of time before Revolver lowers the boom. Revolver swings with his right. What a beautiful swing. But the punch lifts Chandler clean out of the ring. Chandler's still rising, and the referee wears a frown 'cause he can't start countin' till Chandler comes down. Chandler's disappeared from view. The crowd is getting frantic. But our radar stations done picked him up. He's somewheres over the Atlantic. Now, who would've thought, when they came to the fight, they was gonna witness the launching of a new satellite? But don't wait for that fight. It ain't never gonna happen. The onliest thing you can do is wonder and imagine.
  5. it's on, is it? You sure you've got the minerals? Put 'em up.
  6. You're proper impatient! Leave it long, it doesn't really make any difference.
  7. Cool, that looks quite interesting Did it work any good?
  8. That looks like good fun
  9. Revolver

    Team Fortress 2

    pshh, this is TF not /b/
  10. Well done dude I never win anything. Show us a photo when you get the t-shirt printed!
  11. I hope its me! (But I bet it's not )
  12. Looks nice, I'm intrigued by the DB with the magura on, show us a picture! That saracen will do for learning the tricks on, and it would be good for old-school trials. Come out on some rides, and ride some other bikes, and maybe at some point you'll feel like an upgrade, in which case, we're all here, and can help you choose.
  13. It's a lie! Its just moto-trials on rocks.
  14. Revolver


    My ciguena rides really nice, I think it's a huge shame they stopped making them.
  15. I've done that, but my bike was still there in the morning. A bit of a wtf moment when I went to the shed and it wasn't there.
  16. Course they do. The dude who made the water burning conversion for a car, if he tried to mass-produce his device as an engine and sell it to car companies, I wouldn't be surprised if he went.
  17. If that's the case, krisboats fails
  18. Get a krisis or a dr. jekyll, they'll make better trials bikes than the p-45. They both have 10mm bb rise.
  19. Munter wie enie schwalbe = gay as a lark
  20. I spose you've got your 13p a drink night to look forwards to though Enjoy it!
  21. Happy Birthday! Get owt nice? Other than an indefinite holiday in Dubai
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