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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. this is also true lol. The best 'crop circle' i saw was on google earth, its in barnsley and it says, 'f**k' lol i've seen a crop circle in real life, it was cool.
  2. circus bikes make farting noises when you land?
  3. Some of these are made by teams of dudes at night with sticks and string. It's been on telly but no-one could make this - with a stick and some string in one night, surely.
  4. It looks like trials is split perhaps in the future there will be bikes for TRIALS and bikes for TGSARSE-BANDITRY haha My best tricks are my 180 pullround, which I always look out for being able to do in my riding, and my manual, which when I learn how, I'll integrate it into my riding.
  5. I dunno what I'm doing up now, but I think i see sunlight =/
  6. Haa, I watched one of these and it involved some of those proper religious types. The types who think harry potter is a warlock technically he is, but... HE'S A f**kING CHARACTER IN A b*****d BOOK.
  7. cool, i've never been on the failway before is it late just like the real one?
  8. sick, i made some of that, tastes nice when you use a bit of marshmallow.
  9. HAHA & Oh my god, ben leacock has a finger for a penis, complete with nail
  10. If there was movement in it, tighten the spokes more, or get shorter spokes?
  11. You're right! I blame my dyslexicia
  12. The amount of stuff I know, I could have cytech 48
  13. I know about 2x, 3x etc and I've built one wheel Sheldon brown's site + wheel build guide in the wiki + "2... cross..." =
  14. Basket light basket lamp bushel light ... ?
  15. I meant wheelies were shit in general and I've never ridden one of those bikes, lol. The only proper DH bike i recall riding was a specialized bighit. And my verdict? I didn't really ride it enough to get a good feel of it. lol. But the dude's forks were f**ked, and it was squishy at the back, which is a change from hardtail. And that's all I can tell you
  16. Its all about manuals! You can sort-of get a feel of certain aspects of a bike's geometry from a road blast, like how it pulls up and how it corners, but for a DH/FR/AM bike, you're only going to know if it's good at its job if you try it at it.
  17. there was a story in a paper about a symbol appearing in a crop circle ages ago. Recently, they've found a rock with the exact same symbol i think in mexico. The crop cicrle was in england. haha
  18. You've cracked it! That would be the best way to do it. It would have to be a modstock though like muel says also, mod forks are pretty long, they're a lot bigger than just to fit the wheel, so perhaps a 26" wheel would fit in them anyway. Alternatively, use some very low 26" forks.
  19. Davey decided. Based on how he felt at that point, he chose to go for the challenge haha good choice
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