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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Poor guy... Make damn sure you know what you feel, powerful feelings that you don't fully understand, as you know, can be dangerous.
  2. That looks mint, I really like that. I wish hope would do green stuff to buy
  3. For custom geometries, Leeson might be a good bet, as they make frames more geared towards trials, so it will be lighter. Also, lol at your shady mock-up picture!
  4. Are you talking about what I and some others call 'the power'? If so, I'll teach it you personally.
  5. Revolver


    I found tits. Look hard, and you will too
  6. Nice one mate! Get some lines going though
  7. That dude does seem to lend himself to photomanipulation, but that is surrealism.
  8. WTF greytalk? although I do actually get the intended image.
  9. Better to be safe than sorry, isn't it! Off-topic, Tony Harrison, every time I read your posts, i get an obscene desire to put, 'THIS IS AN OUTRAAAAAGE'
  10. It was indeed a joke I made at Hendrix about AIDS. I know that HIV is the virus and AIDS is the syndrome, hence the S. The moral of this story is, use a rubber jonny, it's not much effort and it might save your life.
  11. That's AIDS. You might wanna get a check, it's more common in homosexuals. If you can get a coldsore from someone by sharing a drink... You can get herpes without direct blood contact.
  12. It's the oral version, but, it can affect other areas. for example, if around your mouth you DONT have the oral version, just the standard one, you would risk it spreading. Look up shingles on wikipedia and you'll get a pic of a coldsore on someone's neck.
  13. Something like that. Make contact with someone that has it. It helps if that area is moist, microbe transmission is more effective like that. Lolherpescock.
  14. Revolver


    Yeah, hung drawn and quartered was the punishment for treason - which I just read, as i posted, in your post Some harsh shit that! Also, you missed out that in England we used to stick the quarters of the body onto pikes around the outside of the Tower of London. - Oh, and the head. Damn, how is Fat Pants gonna get up those pikes to rape the 4 quarters of his body?
  15. Revolver


    prepare to be and by dr. nick
  16. Revolver


    Wiktionary to the rescue! Conscious You can even have the voice of a yank telling you how it's pronounced.
  17. Oh, dear. Poo hubs? The axle idea is interesting though.
  18. My mate has green lensed glasses. Dunno how it helps though.
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