I like that seat! It stands out lol. Besides, if I sit on it, you won't see it. And if I ride it, I'll be going too fast I can't ACTUALLY dirt jump for shit lol the sus goes to the maximum recommended for the frame, 130. Ideally it should be set at 115, but I like it high for manuals. Seeing as it's at the max for the frame, it won't stress it. Too big though and it would stress and snap there. And lol at the cables. But - cable for rear brake, cable for gears, cable for front brake, cable for lockout. I'm not not having any of those on my bike (apart from the front brake, temporarily). It's not much of a do-everything-including-sort-of-trials bike if I take any of those off. The lockout's the most odd, but it controls the hardness of the fork so I have no choice atm. It also makes hills and general riding easier.