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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I might not be an expert, but I would consider saying '...rate the video...' as asking for ratings.
  2. Revolver


    https://www.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/helpweb?cmd=_help How about checking their help page, which is dedicated to people like you who don't know how to use it.
  3. That's cause it's already warm, you need to adjust the time!
  4. I saw a video where a dude optimised a wheelchair so it was dirt cheap, and it was lever powered, in such a way that you could, just by changing where you held the levers it would give you sick speed or sick torque. Great for offroading, if you live somewhere where pavements and roads aren't so common or well (lol) looked after.
  5. Career? I don't feel like I care about that much. Sure, I want a job with good money but I don't have this really strong ambition for anything. All my ambitions are short-lived. As such, I have picked a route that I think will be interesting to me and I hope can keep my attention. I did a multimedia degree, I ended up learning 3D animation and I enjoy it for the most part so I'm doing a master's degree in it, partially to give me an edge over my old coursemates with their lowly BAs, and partially because I don't feel ready for a job yet so I'm getting in a lot of practice in this year whilst having something CV-wise to show for it. In a more general sense there are a few things that I want to complete. In fact, I wrote a bucket list last year and this is one thing I want to complete. There are a few more personal things I want to achieve which I'm working on but that shit is some long term shit.
  6. That must explain why whenever I hold puppies and kittens I always think about where the nearest river or fire is.
  7. You could always get Josh at JAF to build you a frame with 110mm bb rise, and everyone will think you're insane.
  8. How rude I must have looked!
  9. I'm sure he knew he was in the wrong, he just wanted to justify his poor judgement with a fight. I may know a move or two in karate but that doesn't mean I need to use it, and it's true you don't have to lose a fight but if you don't fight, you don't lose.
  10. On the other hand, if you're in one, you're safe.
  11. I drove off. Why would I get out of my car for that?
  12. Lol, this dude pulled out of a junction way too late right in front of me, I parped my horn at him and he stopped and got out. Hahahaha.
  13. Well, stay in today and if it doesn't come it's due tomorrow. Or check the tracking.
  14. Such is the way of the world.
  15. It's gritty, it acts as an abrasive so it will accelerate the wearing process briefly so it'll wear down whatever's causing the squeak.
  16. Chuck a bit of mud in and ride around dragging the brake for a bit, and then wash it out.
  17. Reminds me of that Example song, and of 'ill behaviour' by Danny Byrd.
  18. The nut itself shouldn't cause buzzing. Actually, if it's buzzing, lowering the string height, action, will only make it worse.
  19. That could signify an underlying subconscious fear of brown coats.
  20. Yeah, just move country if you can.
  21. Well, I didn't do that but I sure as hell could. I have a plan for a video I want it to be part of.
  22. Video of NASCAR hoovering is required.
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