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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Revolver


    That's me! - I have my full license but don't own a car, lol.
  2. You did what i did. That's someone else's design.
  3. Find a good free font site, look for a font you like Then, when you do a pic, open it in photoshop, and then add a text layer above in said font with your text. You could also lower the opacity, increase the size to go across all the picture, use white text colour, and it would be a watermark.
  4. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=674032 Hopefully someone cleverer than me can figure out how to get it to go forwards haha And no, making a few of them and putting clockwise wheels on the feet doesn't work.
  5. hahaa f**king thing it didn't copy I'll make it again
  6. I managed to make a piston, it could help with people wanting to make walkers. piston All it does is jump up and down, haha
  7. On a roll. 3 pieces. the Wall the wall, v.2
  8. I think that would count as the burn
  9. quick mask Use 'Q' to activate it. Its one of the lowest buttons on the control list. It resembles a rectangle with a circle in it. The one on the right is to activate it, the one on the left, deactivate. Note, the brush/eraser will only work when in standard mode, not, for example, in multiply/colour burn/dodge/etc. Whatever you paint red will be masked off, so it selects everything but. Then you can invert the selection, and just select the red bit. This is good cause you can mask with any opacity which equals feather level when deactivated. It also lets you mask any shape you can set the brush to. Changing the colour is probably the colour balance tool. Poor job though imo, the video. HAHAHA
  10. HAHA So, girls sit around looking at the naff girls, and discuss which one they want to have in their group for maximum effect?
  11. So that explains why in groups of girls there's always a fat and/or ugly one...
  12. Revolver

    Micro Sccoter Vid

    f**k that It looks joke, but gay. Very gay.
  13. f**king down under. None of my ideas work, even though they should.
  14. This is how I beat mission to mars
  15. There's deng ones with disc mounts, still cheaper than a hope hehe.
  16. this is the one I meant. I've only seen pictures of it briefly, and talked about it with my friend a similar amount. You'd need a different cassette and shifter, your derallieur might do the job anyway. Sorry, lol.
  17. how the f**k do you do big ball?
  18. lol I love this mechanism haha
  19. I ROFLd at that fkin solid game, none of my ideas really work Lol at looking at other people's designs for the first level - someone made a proper curved ramp. All i did was move the ball. fook me, I rofled at that even more. It proper backflips! :lol: :lol:
  20. If they have a screw thread on em, FFW should work. Show us some pics/vids when it's done!
  21. Perhaps you can do it using task manager?
  22. He learnt to do this. His mate died doing an abubaca - his brake failed.
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