Mine's simpler as the brick isn't even attached to the stick! HAHAH It was quite hard to make. Also Mind the gap - http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=898725
when I put, look at another frame, I meant any frame with disc mounts, even an XC frame. It's all made to a standard, so it will all be the same dimansions.
The adamant frame is ALU, so whatever the case, they need to be able to weld with alu. It's also wize not to change metal types when joining them together, I think. You want a piece of aluminium. You can measure the disc mounts from another frame with them to get an idea of the design.
Not really, no. I can see how it would work, and obviously if RB have made them and they work, its a successful design. Denguras leaked like a bitch, didn't they? hopefully they've solved that problem then.
It will do it, but without reading into how its internals work, we can't tell you how LONG it will work for, haha Buy one and try it lol. edit: the shit thing being, its not on their website.