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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Hmm Out of curiosity, why do you use a mod to do BMX tricks? Pretty cool vid nontheless, especially as it's unusual to see anyhing other than sidehops and gaps on a mod. The music was good. It really would be good to see some trials stuff in there, I'm pretty sure I've seen you do pedalkicks and stuff.
  2. Master link as in the split link? You could take that link out.
  3. Yup But you'll never experience the pain Smashing atoms is to make them split into their own components. In order to make them fuse, you need extreme pressure and extreme energy.
  4. Apparently, what actually happens in a black hole is that it bends time, and so rather than actually being sucked in and crushed, you are stretched apart, and that time slows down relative to you as you go closer into it. Hmm I don't get how there can be 'small' black holes. They're all small. They're the smallest thing in the universe - singularity.
  5. This is SPARTA! Is that what you were waiting for? Actually, you could put a disc mount on the front of a pair of forks, letting you use the disc on the other side. Then again, you could always just put the mount on the other side. It would save people battering their discs when they sidehop wrong or whatever.
  6. 18:12 = 1.5 18:11 (smaller at the back) = 1.6 It's maths. Larger first number/ Smaller last number = more wheel revolutions per pedal stroke - a harder gear. Smaller first number (and therefore chainring) / Larger last number (and therefore rear sprocket) = less revolutions per pedal stroke - a lighter gear. Don't do it, no mod has a hanger.
  7. For me it knew the correct city, but it was about 3 miles out of my actual location.
  8. HAHA there we go then. Bleed your brake with deisel Actually, it would seem you can bleed it with anything so long as it's not corrosive to the seals. When I rebled my brake on friday, I discovered it was bled with oil AND water.
  9. Maybe so Has anyone tried it? Either way, its still a shit idea: water is free. It's also really quick responding.
  10. Except for, if you touch someone bad, you will shrink It also lets you break bricks with your head.
  11. You and your 12 year old boyish looks. how much did that pic set you back?
  12. That's the point that dude came up with when he made his entirely CNC'd frame. It needed crosslinks for strength, and it made it look like a bridge. I do like those cranks though, they look cool. I'd buy some as I'm not terribly likely to snap anything, but it might not be worth the price. Especially when I got my tensile cranks for £30. Hmm, I've clipped my ankle on my tensiles. But then, when I rode yesterday, I didn't. I suppose its one of those things you've just got to learn to avoid.
  13. It might lubricate the pistons, but it will also corrode the seals. So, lubricated pistons and no seals, or fully working brake? Your choice.
  14. Your GU should have a mech hanger. I used to run 32-24:18 on one of my bikes. You need a rohloff/NC17 stinger/tensile chain tensioner - one that holds a lot of chain - but it does work. It might be better for you to try something like 28-24:18 if you can find the ring. I personally am intrigued by the mech idea. It would definately work. Just remove all the sprockets but one, then set the mech to work using only two gears.
  15. Revolver


    http://www.google.es/search?hl=es&q=ma...uscar&meta= Nothing
  16. You want to open both bolts, QUICKLY put the tubes on each bleeding port, then you push the oil through. The absolute best way imo for oil bleeds is using two syringes. If you put a tiny bit of fluid in one syringe, and enough to do a complete brake and a bit more in the other, you can push/pull the oil all the way through. Then when fresh oil starts coming into the syringe with the old oil in, it will have fresh oil in and no air. You can watch the air come out in the syringes too.
  17. Revolver


    That will include the rest of spain though, and if you don't understand spanish, it will be confusing.
  18. Nice bump Basically Don't do it. It is expensive, it would be slow, it would annihilate your seals, it would be a bitch to bleed, it would make a hell of a mess.
  19. Have you ever bought a Rustler's burger? Or anything else with that little plastic triangle you pull to open it? I used to eat a Rustler's every friday for work, and every time, the triangle thing would snap off.
  20. Well, that was ok, it was nice to meet some of the guys off the forum! Haha, I wonder if the guy in the Audi ever got out of the BBC... Be good to do it again soon, a different location perhaps.
  22. You could use two chainrings OR you could use a sram cassette, and space it out so you only have two gears. Then, use the lockout screws on the mech to set it so it only works on two gears. You WILL need a cassette hub though. Win. Show us the result! V he's not wrong.
  23. That said, something with a convex surface would be difficult to take a picture of without that happening, and get a good view. Besides, it's good marketing, you can see his face in it
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