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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Other than that, I like it. Nice colour scheme hehe
  2. So did this guy! Inspireds look really nice. My mate has a zoot, he sprayed it white, it looks very nice, but it doesn't ride as well as my ciguena.
  3. OBM's my dream mod Oh, bike? I think I'd have an adamant. Or a ciguena, but I've got that in 24".
  4. Naah you're alright wish my sleep pattern wasn't so f**ked. It's going to be shit getting up for college on tuesday at 7:30
  5. Excellent. I'll try it. f**king fast reply!
  6. Hmm I must be able to backwheel about 4 pallets How can I go higher?
  7. Revolver


    ^ Little Dragon - twice In fact, someone put it on youtube/make it avaliable for download?
  8. In order to detect a certain kind of neutrino, the detector must be something like the size of the moon. Using such a detector, if one fired neutrinos through the core of the earth, you could cause time travel. I'm obviously missing something out, but I can't remember it. Thanks to some fiddly bit of physics, the people at the south pole might find the particles turn up before the people at the north pole have sent them. It might have to do with the earths magnetic field. Also, in order to make a wormhole and make it stable, and large enough for a spaceship to go through, you'd need electromagnets each the size of saturn. =/
  9. They build some cock-arsed random detector specifically for each thing they're hoping to find, and presumably it beeps or something and they go, 'waheyy, we found this, that means all this maths i wrote down is true.'
  10. Telecaster More girls should wear trousers/jeans like this. They might not realise it, but if they wear loose jeans and shorts, their arse looks better than in tight jeans.
  11. Revolver


    It was brilliant! Street tricks, trials tricks, it all went very well together. Very chilled, i liked the song.
  12. Revolver

    Google Chrome.

    You'll be able to see yourself somewhere in google earth! Remember where you were lol
  13. Yeah, I want to know how you do that!
  14. HAHA Yeah, its competition built, except for its zoom forks. What a twat I really want someone to buy it, so we can all go round their house and bend the frame with our bare hands. And then twat them over the head with it for being so stupid.
  15. That bike's shit Manitou forks are reverse arched, it looks like that HOLY SHIT they are ACTUALLY on backwards. Retards. Those wheels are also shit, they're not going to be strong, and on top of that they're built with hardly any spokes. I bet if I sat on that bike the wheels would buckle.
  16. My home page is one I made myself with links I use often.
  17. Revolver

    Google Chrome.

    That was also the first thing I thought of when I read 'incognito mode' Dang, this shit is nice Only thing, it doesn't scroll UP! what use is that?! Pfft. I tell a lie. It scrolls ok with my mouse, but not with the trackpad.
  18. I'd imagine the owner of the scooter will need to see the cops to get it back.
  19. Lol I'd go for the pig pro. My jump bike has one, I've had it for a year or two now. My trials bike has a pig, and it has 'angular' steering. Just a TIIINY bit though, you don't notice it unless you try to find it.
  20. Sus forks? that's crackers, it will stress your frame. However, it's your choice, your bike's how you like it.
  21. What I mean is, other ordinary people. I've watched some pro vids and they're very impressive!
  22. That was a good video, hehe I wonder if you've got any tips for being able to backwheel as high as you can?
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