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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. HAHAHA word. Might look better if it wasn't in those colours. Well done for someone turning a crane into a frame. It looks like it will weigh a ton!
  2. Yeah, your coldness and rain is nothing compared to that of the mighty Yorkshire... We ARE the biggest county. East Anglia is full of mud and doesn't count. Just looked, Yorkshire's the biggest county anyway Yorkshire UNITE! lol I say this but I actually live in Nottingham now. Wasn't my choice!
  3. thing is, you might find yourself at a level where you're between steps. lol here's my picture:
  4. Lol, was just about to say: If someone posts loads of pictures, don't quote them too. When you press quote or reply, look for the tags and delete them. Make sure you delete the [/] ones too though.
  5. The actual playing of videos for me is fine.
  6. Yeah, but it's warmer, and so if it does rain, there's less chance of you losing your fingers to frostbite. hehe
  7. If you have moors and hills and stuff where you are, it's pretty shit there not being many competitions. I for one would much rather do them in the south if it meant never going to one in the rain. lol Although my heart's with Yorkshire, and it always will be. "If it ain't from yorkshire, its shite."
  8. Are there many hills down your way? They seem only to do comps on the sides of hills, like the pennines. One of these indoor evens would be great! They'd have the opportunity to create a temporary trials park. They could also make a section that had both street and natural in it. Like, you have to get up a massive rock, and gap to one of those cable things that look like bobbins, and then back to a rock. That would be interesting...
  9. I find it frustrating that the search isn't that good. It would be good if when you searched user names, it came up with their videos. Alternatively, you could bring back that thing under people's avatar that said how many videos they'd posted.
  10. A more clean, hygenic and cheaper version of the classic, 'shit in an envelope and send it' procedure.
  11. It looks like somethingI might want to go to in the future. Shame they hold everything in earl's court now and not at the NEC/the other one in birmingham, whichever one it is. I used to go to the new car show there haha, until they moved it
  12. I haven't got one on my USB stick. Not of CS2.
  13. I think psycholist's low rails idea is excellent. It would be great to have a lot of stuff like that, that is good for training advanced skills with little risk of dying if you fell off
  14. Exactly that, except I think I'd have it flat along the floor, and the top sloped, unlike your diagram. If you have a gentle enough slope it would work. It has potential for training sidehops, up to fronts, taps, all of that, then you could manual along it and drop or drop-gap it. Perhaps even make a similar sized object near it so you could gap to that, like a 1-2ft wide column.
  15. Great vid Shame the music didn't go all the way through, but it was a fun video to watch Makes me want to try proper natural riding, but there is none round here.
  16. I think it would be good if somewhere there was a nice, wide kinda platform that went from maybe 1ft to 6ft, so you could practise going up it and could work your way up. Might need a fair bit of concrete, but you could make it out of wood, which would work. hehe
  17. Revolver


    .. I'm not impressed with their site, lol (bits are unfinished - try the 'about us' link) You could email them about it, I dunno whether they'll respond though.
  18. If this alex dude is anything to worry about, you will find out at some point.
  19. That was mint! I too looked and though, "hmm, when's it going to do something", but only for a second. I wish I could make stuff like that.
  20. Saturday, when I work. 11 o clock, before I finish SUNDAY!
  21. Of course it does I used the lens/colour correction tool for the fisheye type effect, and to un-correct the colours. I used a scanline from a pattern, overlaid it, for the scan lines
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