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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Playing the campaign on DoW dark crusade, I keep getting beat. Well, strictly speaking, I've not been defeated yet, I've always closed the game first. Necros are sloooooow, and they have no stealth units, which sucks. Lol, mind you when I get my act together my army's pretty much unstoppable, I barely have to reinforce a unit ever.
  2. Revolver

    Team Fortress 2

    I'd play TF2, but I don't know many people on it, and I'll probably suck at it for a while. If we had a big TF TF2 game, that would be good, I'd play it.
  3. Revolver

    Xmas Presents

    Today, I recieved, An ipod nano, in orange an ipod dock for it a mini mp3 speaker which is USB too, that looks like a little amp a car stereo speaker and head unit, hehe the DARK KNIGHT on dvd, looking forward to that a brand new stephen king book warhammer dawn of war: dark crusade from my mate, who also gave me a necron lord figure, for which I need superglue. a cool wall clock that goes with my cupboard unit set thing a book that's called, 'how a dog trains its owner' hehe My dad's given me £120 for christmas, but it would be better to have a whole family than £120. Nevertheless, there's no going back. Yeah, today's been quite good, went for a walk with the dog, lol, who doesn't listen to me , had a nice turkey cooked by my brother, which was really good for his first christmas dinner he's cooked, and believe it or not, I did some of the washing up by my own choice! Have a good one, TF
  4. Sometimes, with tags, it is not being able to read them that is important. It is just what you have done with the letters. This is modern calligraphy. The other side of it is, writing your name in as many places at once. For those who appreciate tags as some form of art, it is merely a record of where the artist has been. There's more to it than this, though.
  5. Merry Christmas, motherf**kers!
  6. Show us what all the characteristics are of them.
  7. Curse you and your bandwagon ruining self.
  8. You're WELL LONG! Get a stock. If you want a nice flicky bike like a mod would be for a smaller person, get a 24".
  9. Yeah, I liked the way it was black and white, except for the blue, and the ashton DB logo in the corner was also blue. Co-ordination!
  10. Revolver

    Xmas Presents

    Hell maybe! Aftr all, christmas IS a time for spending together, but it doesn't mean you can't get something for yourself to use when your family and friends have left. Hopefully, if I pull a few strings, and ask my mother nicely, I can buy the worlds most coolest electric guitar. This all depends on how much I get from saino's for over time. We'll see. I really do want it, lol.
  11. Revolver

    Xmas Presents

    YAY! Today I got the knowledge it's tomorrow that I open presents. I got myself that one.
  12. That was awesome! That frame looks quite good, definately a contender for the inspired.. What's the geometry?
  13. And on the other point, who gives a shite what they're called, we all know what we mean anyway. You could call it a bread bollock and people would still get you.
  14. You've ruined it now, no-one knew until then.
  15. Perhaps it is, but you ought not to quote pictures. A teacake, strictly speaking, has the raisins in it, but my dad calls those bread rolls teakcakes too, and the raisiny ones, currant teacakes.
  16. The correct name is, bread roll. It could also be a bap (lol) a tea cake, a cob....
  17. But if you can see what window they chuck the pins out of, you can figure out what flat they're in.
  18. Yes, well, it goes like this: Make a valve for the tube that can hold helium in. I win?
  19. Not on your nelly. It actually makes perfect sense.
  20. Hmm, I see. Each to their own I guess, I like the ciguena because of the nice bend in the top tube.
  21. If this is the brake I'm thinking of, its one where both sides of the caliper move to clamp the pad. Something BB7s don't do! Hydraulic brakes have duasl pad movement, why not cable brakes?
  22. ANYTHING?! well, obviously it would have to be a custom titanium 24" frame, with a seat, and a really light spec.
  23. I think it turns out that it IS possible, but because helium is really small for a particle (the second smallest), it has a habit of escaping where air can't.
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