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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Hehe, erm.. Sure, why not My email address is on my profile now
  2. Address or email address? I had the 1 month one, but I signed up on my brother's xbox, just over a month before I got mine. Hahaha. Still, despite getting an email saying it had expired, on the first day I lived my xbox up I had gold.
  3. Gay. I take it you need Xbox Live gold to play over xbox live. Tricksy f**kers.
  4. I did this before with a handsomedog, which is meant to be a trials bike. It turned out it had a mighty low BB that felt shite.
  5. ITS SHITE COMPARED TO MINE! Because mine's 24" Seriously, ditch the dicta freewheel at least. Hey, I thought you were selling this?
  6. Excellent... I can't find a copy of skate in CEX or Gamestation here, so I'm going to sit that game out until next month, perhaps. Hopefully when the sequel comes out, lots of people will give in the first one, and it should be cheaper.
  7. You're probably not wrong. I'll do that later, I think. It'll annoy me if when I update it loses my save data though. I hope not, it shouldn't.
  8. DAMMIT! I can send my brother offensive messages over xbox live, but not download game updates. f**ksake. Test connection: reset router Reset router: Xbox live is working! Play army of two: got to sign in Sign in: Xbox live isn't working Xbox live no worky: Test connection. Rinse and repeat...
  9. If you have an account with fast transer, it's fast. Only one of mine has this. My other one took 5 days.
  10. Gamer tags, that's what this thread is about? RevolverC24. ATM the only real online game I've got avaliable is Halo 3. I look forwards to losing to you, maybe
  11. Where did you bruy it from?
  12. Think it might be a lass actually.
  13. That's the stuff. It does it with mine when I change it too.
  14. Revolver

    Team Fortress 2

    Which class do you you guys reckon is the easiest class to pick up?
  15. I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a 64 Impala
  16. Possibly, but I didn't say that.
  17. I would buy 6 of whatever Dr. Evil was going to buy in Austin Powers.
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