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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. If you like that, you're broken.
  2. The current popular theory is Danny has fiddled with the results.
  3. The piston IS the lever. Get a new lever.
  4. Not axe-wielding. We've seen his murder weapon, its about 12" long...
  5. Maybe. I dunno. You need summat that can seal.
  6. I don't reckon you can just buy new seals. Look on tarty. Other places might be letting the air in you know.
  7. Good old options menu at the right of the screen. Select standard for the view method.
  8. Absolutely sure its not just water just being sat in that part of the lever after the bleed? Do you bath bleed it?
  9. Hmm So you've dismantled a larger cassette. Right, thanks for that!
  10. Lel. Not wrong. Dunno, but nottingham rides aren't so great.
  11. IT'S GON BRIAN. I chose rain. wait, what?
  12. Some people see unique and are compelled to become part of it. Not like bandwagons.
  13. f**ksake, everyone uses vimeo now. Vimeo only works occasionally on this computer. Retard computer. Occasionally! Not one or the other.
  14. The reference is, on cartoons we get tumbleweed flying across, to signify emptiness. So the tumbleweed was in fact supposed to represent the fact you said, 'can anyone vouch for this guy?' and no-one did.
  15. Is Skate 2 good enough to go for it straight away, or is it better to get skate and later, skate 2?
  16. Nottingham chavs wear those, and they wear them right on the top of their heads, so if they turned around quickly they'd fly off. What's the point in that?
  17. This is true, but if you use a 22t chainring, having 23t on the rear is a bit useless. Also, a 6sp chain should be stronger than a 9sp chain, because of the size, so you'd go for 6sp. Only thing is, they don't actually make 6sp any more. Tarty used to sell mechs, shifters and cassettes, and now sell none of it. If I can get away with modifying a cassette so I don't have to run larger than 17t, I'll do it, but I want to read about what other people have done first to get ideas.
  18. Tell me more about your gear set up, I need to know because I'm planning on putting gears on mine when I get it. What mech, shifter and chain are you using? How many of the cassette rings are you actually using, if so, what issues did you have with getting the shifter to work properly with it? I've got more questions but I might ask those later.
  20. Revenge is more understandable when what's done is in proportion with each other. Someone scratching your bike and you knocking them out is a bit extreme.
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