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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. We were all there. Matt and Toby were both in the square at the arranged time. I joined later.
  2. Cool. I dunno if I will fix it, because seeing as now I always keep a disc in there, it always opens However, post up the fix, there's no harm in it.
  3. Why does my disc drawer refuse to open when there's no disc in? It takes ages to get it to open, you have to poke it in the right place to get any result, which can take a while.
  4. 10 people? What are we even going to do there? I've had ONE dude round, and he struggles to co-operate with what I'm playing. I go - lets play this and we do and then I move onto the next bit, and he plays summat else. and then its a volume fight, which because he has 10w and I 30w, I win.
  5. Revolver


    And the reason they do that is, believe it or not those extra 3 days = interest. Same reason why banks take so long doing cheques.
  6. It was so sick my face fell off, and now I have to put it in the wash. I downloaded the video in the URL at the end, will watch that later
  7. My last post may or may not be an outright fabrication. Hendrix, you're very that this goes ahead...
  8. Yeah, well I've got the worlds first vintage Mesa Boogie Quintuple rectifier amp. Its more watts than *insert joke here*
  9. Sounds good, I can bring my guitar. And a bad player for it! By bring I mean, not-bring.
  10. Hey, give him a break, he's not from England. Fecking vimeo again! :@ I want to know what settings I need to change to get vimeo to ALWAYS work.
  11. Lol, kuel personal sticker, muel.
  12. If you learn to be a smoother rider, you should take less damage to your body. In parkour, part of it is efficiency of direction you're going in, but the other is minimising the effect of such big falls on your body. They do this by rolling after large drops, and a similar principle can be applied to trials! Easier said than done though, eh?
  13. Hahaha Maybe I'm not so sure it would work. Besides, if it's muddy it will be slippy in the wet. If I rent house for uni, I might see about building some obstacles in the garden.
  14. I found out that to remove the piston from the lever, you need to angle grind off the lever clamp, the mounts for the lever blade, and the hose connection bits. That should leave you with just a piston.
  15. I wasn't going to, but seeing as you insist...
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