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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. What about being hungry, does that annoy you?
  2. You're correct, that is f**kING useless when that happens.
  3. I seem to recall Dang! mentioning that there will be a small number of frames that get sent to different places. I think Europe gets its own frame, so you should be safe from posting it to New Zealand. Possibly America, though. Seeing as though the only European rider I can see that isn't from England is in Ireland, it would make sense for the frame to go to England FIRST, and then be sent to Ireland, as the postage back to America should be cheaper, it's a shorter distance.
  4. Possibly when you see nice girls chewing it and you just think, 'Aw, she would've looked hot, but she looks like a retard and a twat because she's chewing gum.' and when you see a chav girl chewing it and you thing, 'Lol, didn't think chavs could look any more like dicks, but there you go...'
  5. I can see some of Ali C's plans coming together! I might go there in the summer...
  6. Those pictures are awesome! I especially like the one with the light in the wheels!
  7. Guess you're screwed if its the open niht when all the fat bitches go swimming..
  8. The thing with that though, is in order to have it in the vice tight enough to hold the hose in place, it will crush the hose, and if you crush the hose, you're not getting the barb in.
  9. That we can never know. But I bet they use something similar to the black plastis weird things.
  10. WRONG. If you buy a magura bleed kit it comes with two funny black plastic blocks. You need these to put on the barbed fitting properly. That or to make yourself something that resembles them.
  11. Hahaha, why? I'm guessing you don't know...
  12. Yeah, I know Listen, you up for coming out again, I've got a cool spot I want to go next time. =/ Bit of a dodgy area though. Haha, I've got some funny stories to tell you about that! You wanna hear one?
  13. Ah, right! That was you... Nice bikes, but I still can't get over how you managed to ride them both at the same time! You've got skills man, keep it up.
  14. As I watched the vid, I wtf'd at the shortness of the wings, and I was waiting for it to take off. Little did I know it's meant to sit at that height. It sounds cool!
  15. Which one were you then? If you're the one I think you are, you had a nice bike.
  16. Believe it or not, its in the wiki. I should know, I wrote it out myself.
  17. Hey come on, this isn't going to work if you don't keep talking.
  18. I can't remember. What does he look like?
  19. I was the one on the Ciguena 24" bike. Mind you, people say I'm dead, so if you really did see me, either it's true I'm only waiting for an opponent that poses a challenge to arise, or you saw a ghost, or you're crackers.
  20. You might have done. You might remember me from such films as Enter the Dragon, The Game of Death, and the Way of the Dragon, among more.
  21. GET YOU! I'm glad you're happy about this. I on the other hand remain indifferent.
  22. It would appear they're called braces AND suspenders, but suspenders can mean a piece of lingerie and braces can mean the things you wear on your teeth to make them straight.
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