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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I've got one of those (and a kenda DH tube) and I've had one pinch in it, since I've had it in.. august?
  2. I said these, so... not one in particular.
  3. I made it! I toiled through mountains of snow and ice, up the great (ilkeston road) hill... I had only my thoughts for company, urging me on. For those who wish to follow me, I shall tell you but one thing. It's f**king hard to ride a bike up a hill over ice!
  4. f**ksake, college isn't closed. Going in... Wish me luck getting there... Will report back - If I don't, don't go after me, I'll already be dead.
  5. If I fix my axle and the gears work and are here, I'll come.
  6. That's such a nice colour! I want to spray my 24" now.
  7. Yeah, we have a some good snow, and college can f**k off if they think I'm going in at 5.
  8. Lolwut - It snowed in nottingham! It was OK snow.
  9. Snow... Nottingham...? Bollocks. Snow's a b*****d on any day except a day you get free.
  10. In order to get yourself validated, try and post something new and original, something worth reading. I've only had experience with onza lemon pads, magura standard pads and koxx browns. I think the browns would be the best but my grind is dead. I'm a bit nervous of reinvigorating my grind because it would make the brake more bitey, which I don't want. However, I DO want a better holdong brake.
  11. I might go to sheffield to uni next year/this september, so it would be good to know more about there.
  12. It IS shit how there's life imprisonment and being in prison for life. One of them is like, 20 years or something. The other is ACTUALLY til they die. Kill killers, why not. After all, you should be able to take the same as you give. I think it shouldn't be a lightly given punishment. Killing someone because they accidentally killed someone isn't right, for example.
  13. Parc Guell, I think it's called - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park_G%C3%BCell It's a whole place done by Gaudí, who's work you'll see all over spain. It's a nice place to walk around. It's not a bar, lol, but when I went there I was like 8.
  14. I might possibly go. I wonder how much it would cost in petrol to go there and back? Lol.
  15. Revolver

    New Tattoos

    And the last... No, it's pretty good. Get a pic in a few weeks once it's less sore.
  16. THIS CALLS FOR... http://www.instantrimshot.com/!!!
  17. Who me? Activesportskit.co.uk, i think. Not from a sale either. They were selling a giant acid frame for 99 quid. Proper cheap stuff there!
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