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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. So long as none of the steerer tube pokes out, it would work, but it's not ideal. Maybe just buy the top cap and do without until then.
  2. This Yours is the old, axle mount one. You need a saint hub to mount it. Lets not hijack this thread any further.
  3. I got a shimano sora, it was cheap so it's no worry if I break it. You could go for the shimano saint if you wanted to splash out, but you need the new one, not the old one that mounts to the axle.
  4. Keep the chain tight and it shouldn't come off. You need a short or super short cage derallieur, whatever it is.
  5. I take it it's the drop gap that's in at the end, and everyone cheers as you do it? Brilliant riding aside, that atmosphere alone is inspiring; I've never really rode with that.
  6. I think it's through watching Rowan Johns that I've wanted to learn to bunnyhop up stuff and learn to integrate manuals into stuff. I'm not really advanced enough to do it properly yet though Ohhh, I miss having forks now.
  7. Nice one! If you can get a buffer, or a buffer disc for a drill/angle grinder, USE IT. It will come out looking completely chrome. Just make sure to lacquer it, it will still corrode and go dull.
  8. It's beautiful! I like the colour you picked. When I get mine, it's going to be turned green.
  9. Spank rims are better than leaf rims, I think, but leaf aren't particularly well known. These rims aren't trials-specific parts, mind. Show us a picture of your bike!
  10. Lol My brake is bled with basically diluted screenwash. It's not frozen yet, and I don't think it will. Before I rebled that brake I found it to be containing a combination of oil, water and what looked like rust. It still worked, lol.
  11. Why did you bump both topics? Use this one.
  12. More oil should fix it. A lot of marzocchis have this problem. RST forks aren't really any good.
  13. Lets keep this on reasonably friendly terms. 1) If you want advice on brake pads, you don't need to comment. Just think, 'right, I have a smooth/light ground/heavy ground rim, and I want pads that are bitey/not too bitey and have good hold.' And in the review someone will tell you. So then you read the comments and figure out which people seem the most positive about, and go for that one. 2) Lol 3) Like I said, friendly terms. I'm reasonable. What I meant is, either that you weren't making your own opinions about me, which is foolish, or that you're doing something wrong for the purposes of getting validated.
  14. If it's wank, it's wank because you stretched it. Just buy a new one or new parts for it and leave it as it came.
  15. There is a perfect example in Chit-Chat right now. It says, 'Advice...' Not to be disrespecting the dude and the topic, but it's not much use from the angle of searching.
  16. 1) Pad review topic. You're a pre-member, but you can still see that. 2) What do you mean, non-member, I'm more of a member than you are. 3) If you've been here long enough to come up with that, you should've been validated. Unless you're doing something wrong... QED If you want an argument, you're not having one.
  17. Have you got one of those? Try hitting it with one, and if it still doesn't work, hit yourself.
  18. It IS quite a common topic. The fact that there ISN'T one in NMC is a good thing, and DOESN'T mean you should make one.
  19. There's nothing wrong with them, I think I must've cracked mine ages ago because the sound they made whebn they broke they'd made for a good while now when I pulled the brake. How much are you getting them for?
  20. I had some, they were of the kind that had V mounts for 24" and 26". I broke mine, lol. Think they were old though.
  21. Revolver

    Valentine >.<

    To reiterate: I've really appreciated the valentines day card that I got from
  22. Well, if I can't get any forks, I'm not going riding. This puts me out of action until the 27th, or earlier if I can sell my phone/get forks. I'll keep updating this topic though.
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