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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Actually, screw that, that video was toss. I need to make a new one.
  2. I take one with me on sunday rides, when I try bigger stuff. I wasn't great then, you know. If you watch that video, you'll see that my balance isn't good, which is my weakness.
  3. I bodged the mount to make it fit, it's 20mm too big. Anyway, either due to that OR contaminating the rotor, it's working shit. It used to stop you like a brick wall.
  4. Ok, sarcasm aside, enjoy full membership, it's not really a great feeling being only able to post in one part of a forum, especially if you're new to trials.
  5. Lol, ok, I'll do some videoing, if I can get my dickhead front brake to work.
  6. Good. I'd go ahead and say that I can do more than you on a bike, but I don't want to make a video because I think I can't ride well enough to be worth videoing. We'll see, I'll get some clips next time I'm out.
  7. Think you ought to get that cold seen to. Do it white, for the purposes of the pen.
  8. Ok. Opinions it is. Don't post previews, previews suck. It's good that you want to share your riding with people. Your wheelswap is coming along nicely. However, I'd wait until you get better to make a video. At least until you get really good clips of good stuff. How's that? I tried my hardest not to be offensive.
  9. Congratulations on getting validated. Really, well done.
  10. I WAS listening to Ratatat - wildcat
  11. Wow, fluorescent holes! We are now officially only THREE steps away from titanium holes, people!
  12. From what I can gether from this thread, mine were quite a good pair! Hopefully my echo controls will last longer with gaps to front. Just need to get them first.
  13. Fingers crossed that I can actually go! My first lift plan seems to have fallen through, and I don't want to get on no train.
  14. Revolver


    Middleageman? No-one's ever going to try and search for, 'why dus tee-eff luck funney?' It ought to go in RSQ if anything. I'm sure it'll be in the FAQs, you know. In fact it IS. Look: at the bottom.
  15. Revolver


    TOP RIGHT, OPTIONS, CHOOSE STANDARD. I win. Seriously, do people not experiment these days?
  16. Congratulations, you posted 9 pictures of you doing 3 poses on your bike. Do please use a decent camera next time. Hmm, apparently you did. Try uploading them somewhere decent.
  17. Forks are on their way. I'm going to get it, and first. Pfft, screw you, it's not the same. It needs editing for every ride, which is why I did it.
  18. Lol My brake used to be bled with water and oil, it kept seizing. Don't think it was related though. This was an old-style lever. Interesting concoction!
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