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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. From what I heard, it was a cock-up by the landlady.
  2. You own a 24", and live in nottingham? How come we've never seen you?! Yeah, that inspired is lovely, especially the stem.
  3. Hahahahaha f**k YOU, I'M AN ANTEATER.
  4. Take the bolts out and ride around for a bit, it might work, it has done for me.
  5. Haha, as if there's a picture like that.
  6. 16:12?! Crazy guy. On mods, you want 18:12 Mind, boumsong uses a piss-light ratio and he can do things massive... I think it's because he's a yorkshireman.
  7. I sort of get you. I can picture it in my head. I mean, I'd watch the videos, but college are a bit lax when it comes to getting the new flash player. The new one, that was out months ago?
  8. Take the money. also: Because of this, I've decided that if I go to sheffield for uni, I'm going to look at private accommodation first.
  9. I can't really sidehop. Aw, heck, I'm proud of that. It annoys me I can't roll out of my 180s.
  10. I'm not THAT good... I dunno, I can't get a lift, and I don't want to get the train, cause it'll be f**king expensive.
  11. Build it up and show us some pictures!
  12. A shagpile carpet ? You know, one of these...
  13. Stocks are easier to ride. Plus: You prefer to sidehop up and then gap across... You didn't sidehop up to that drop-gap, and you didn't make the gap
  14. Revolver


    Eating foods with high protein is a good idea, like steak. Also, eat fish, it contains creatine.
  15. Happy Birthday! I'd sing, but I doubt it would be effective over the internet.
  16. Hmm. Well, I spose it figures.
  17. Don't grind the frame. You've been offered two good choices of what to do, choose one of those instead!
  18. Quality, yes. I'd guess they're all similarly strong, you'd have to look at the simulations to see though.
  19. CNC ones should be stronger. Something to do with how the metal crystals form when the forged ones are made, weaknesses form in there.
  20. I do ride on my own, but only really local spots, which aren't up to much. I don't really want to ride all the way into town to ride on my own.
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