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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Real men overtake cars whilst blasting down hill, setting off those boards that complain when you go too fast.
  2. Why do you always seem ill?
  3. It's not an acronym, unless it really stands for Mind-Altering-Tricks-Here-Sir.
  4. My car's handbrake freezes on. I learnt from last year not to use the handbrake below certain temperatures, lol, so I haven't had that issue.
  5. We were taught both, I was taught O stands for powers of. Although I've heard orders before.
  6. That's your brain trying to tell you subconsciously that you have a small dick.
  7. Bodmas bidmas, it's 50. The people who get it wrong didn't listen in school. Apparently that's 92%, Lord help us.
  8. Damn, that was a good kick.
  9. This is a picture of the error: This is where it seems to be located: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?app=members&module=profile&section=photo I dunno if that will help you debug it.
  10. Take it off first and clamp it somehow, you have to over bend it to get it to straighten up.
  11. This is funny because this is kind of a big part of street riding. You could just add in bunnyhops and other techniques that conserve momentum rather than break it and you're most of the way there. https://vimeo.com/21806140 Check this guy out, he doesn't really do spins, but this is a sick video!
  12. That kinda sums up why I, personally, aren't bothered if gay people get married, but that's why it's an issue for the church, so its up to them what principles they uphold.
  13. There's nothing wrong with gay marriage, equal rights for everyone and that, but I'm pretty sure it explicitly says no homosexuality in the Bible, which is what the whole of Christianity is based upon. Essentially it comes down to either disobeying the Bible - in which case, why obey any of it? - Or changing it, in which case, why not change all of it?
  14. No, it's not the same now...
  15. Oh... I'll just leave, then
  16. Front sprocket? Try bending it back with some grips.
  17. Those are popular colours these days, but... they're not great colours.
  18. Man, what are you doing riding a kid's bike? The colours go nicely.
  19. Boo, bet that means it'll rain here in Nottingham overnight. It'd better clear up!
  20. He also can't spell. Congrats on writing a book. I might read it if I see it in a shop and flick through it and like the sound of it. Please don't turn into Dan Patterson. I only read one of his books but it was a pile of shite, enough to put me off.
  21. Do it. I read something in the metro today which was cool. If you're thinking of giving up on something, think about all the time you spent doing it, do you want to throw it all away?
  22. Robbery depends on where you are. And how vulnerable you look. Turning into a fight is your discretion really, if you hand over your shit they'll more than likely leave you, although I get the impression you're not that type of guy. As for self defence... the term thrown around a lot is 'reasonable force'. This means if someone tries to mug you without using or convincing you they have a weapon, giving them a good slot on the nose is fair but breaking their legs or killing them is over the top. If they're telling you they have, a knife or gun, it's different, and if they genuinely look like they'll kill you, killing someone is kind of acceptable. You can still get a criminal sentence for it, it really depends on the situation and the jury in the case.
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