I had a dream I went into a multistorey carpark, and I had to go past a pile of chavs to do it, and they seemed to want my bike so me and my mate went all the way to the top, saw they were still there, so then tried to find another exit, which we found in the form of a window in a posh kitcheny-stuff shop. In a garage. Yeah, so we chucked the bikes out and jumped the drop. That was the middle dream. The first dream was in like a uni or something complex. The only bit I remember was a bit where this dude wanted to disappear for a mo, so he had me disguise myself as a security guard. Then, when real security guards came along, I got rumbled. And the final dream, the bit I remember was being in a box of a uni halls room, discussing them with Annie Lennox, and thinking, 'this is shit, you would blatanly rent a house, even if the halls room is free (which it was in the dream) just so you'd have some real space.