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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Unfortunately: A bike has two wheels, and, depending on where the spanner is, either way is towards any given wheel.
  2. Revolver

    Ciguena 24

    Quiet, you. It really does look good!
  3. I've set it up so it works, the jockey wheels and the cassette sprocket are both aligned properly, it just skips. The wraparound might be why. I'll keep riding it, I'm taking that link out, so long as I can.
  4. Thus, if I take a link out of my chain, it should increase the tension and wrap around, and stop skipping?
  5. Revolver


    I think it's close, but you might find it IS that font, just with a slight modification to make it their unique logo.
  6. I thought this might be a good idea, lol. This thread is for those small questions that don't need a full thread to answer them or discuss them. Here's one to start us off! My chain skips on my gears. I've got the 8sp kmc kool chain, new, on a used cassette. I've only got two gears, spaced out a bit so the chain fits. I can use the lower of the two, 16t, fine, but not the harder, 13t. Why? I suspect I might need to take a link out of the chain? It can't be that it's not bedded in, as it works in the other gear.
  7. Bit more to it than that. For example, falling from ~10ft, and rolling to soak up the damage.
  8. It's a custom fresh products one, I guess.
  9. My bike creaks, turns out the bashring on my middleburns is loose. Strange thing is, I don't think the lockring is.
  10. I for one haven't, and don't intend to.
  11. Maybe put some porn on, then show the girl and say, 'how about we try that?'
  12. 'Lol, fancy watching some porn?' 'Sure'
  13. I lol'd, because I thought he meant the supermarket at first.
  14. It was a good example of how you're meant to ride a 24" bike. I liked the manual stuff, like when you manualed up to that fence and hopped on it, I can't trust myself to do that yet! And the line near the end with the grey boxes, that was a clever find!
  15. It's pretty weird, but I found that even though you're meant to be unable to move, I could snap myself out of it, lol, and then get up, without her saying to.
  16. No, this is legit. Mine should be coming in the post soon , I hope.
  17. What good would he be?
  18. Strangely enough, I've been overdrawn on one card, without being charged, when the card won't allow me to be overdrawn, and I've been overdrawn on another and managed to pay it back without being charged. It's 67 quid for halifax though, that they make you pay.
  19. Its not illegal, unfortunately, but you can often get it back, if it's your first time doing it.
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