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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. There are people called Brad Johnson?
  2. I don't remember ever seeing a name like Brad Johnson before.
  3. Who the hell is Brad Johnson?
  4. A version of cannabis helps defeat cancer for a while and then it stops working.
  5. http://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2012/07/25/cannabis-cannabinoids-and-cancer-the-evidence-so-far/#can-treat To be fair I did find this, which I'd consider a reliable source, which does suggest it has some use against cancer. It would be perfectly possible for the drug industry to produce cannabis oils and sell it as cancer medicine with significant profit, owing to the fact that they've gone to the extents to extract the oil, but I can only assume that the reason it hasn't been done is because there's better alternatives, for whatever reason.
  6. You said you'd force yourself to make that post your last post on trials-forum, but you posted a load more, which means you lied!
  7. He must have quite a large wang for a ferrari driver.
  8. Yeah, it wasn't cool. That fool should've realised after the first time a tortoise bit a dog's tongue that animals shouldn't be piled on a table together.
  9. Revolver


    You do it on Gmail. Search for the emails you want, make a filter with it, tell it to sling it in a new folder and skip the inbox/archive it. This is how I prevent all the advert newsletter type emails from getting to my phone.
  10. Ages, at least 7 years. I brush twice a day, I also brush my gums a bit on an evening time. My teeth seem fine at the moment but I bet I'll reap what I've sowed in a decade or so.
  11. Maybe one/some of the bearings used to operate it are broken.
  12. Very true, I thought it was clear I was on about this context, though
  13. Well, it's definitely the wrong word.
  14. Do you get bonus points if you can ride without your front wheel and drop off onto a drinks can?
  15. That does ring a bell, actually. It's been so long since I was in a maths class.
  16. 4x2/4-2+10= 4x0.5-2+10= 2-2+10= 2-12= -10 The bold shows the order that I calculated it according to bodmas. The thing I don't get is how you can say 'this actually equals 10' when bodmas is a rule that you can't ignore, so it actually equals -10.
  17. Bodmas is a rule in maths, you can't not follow it.
  18. I kind of find it dumb that basic calculators don't have bidmas programmed in.
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