There was a big debate about this a while back, a real good while in fact. In my opinion, you want plenty of light, nice bright footage. Take a look at manuel/rowan's videos. He has a lot of rolling shots, which look great. For composition, if you look at good still photos, you might like to try positioning yourself in a similar way for your video. You also want to find music to suit your song. Trials isn't hugely fast paced, thanks to correction hops and such like, so thrash metal and drum & bass don't really work, unless you can film yourself with enough energy to suit. For editing, you don't wanna go over the top. If you have good clips, you don't need effects, just a nice fade to black transition every now and again, and a nice intro/outro sequence. Is that what you were looking for? I think in the end, use your imagination. Try and make your shots interesting, then the video will be interesting too!