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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Revolver


    I work at sainsbury's, picking shit up, scanning shit, and putting shit down. I had a customer have a go at me for going too slow. I was packing her bag as well. She had the go when I sat down and scanned faster because there was her and a colleague both packing. In situations like that, it is possible to go fast. If I'd done it when there was just her, she would complain I was going too fast. Stupid woman!!!!!!
  2. Ah, I see. It must've been on a different page.. I applied, six-gun-steve, on account of I couldn't have revolver.
  3. Remember how they talked of the 10th series? That must mean there's 3 more series on the way...
  4. How do I join the TF clan? lol
  5. HOLY SHIT! I couldn't go big enough, that was nuts! f**k, so that's how you're meant to ride an inspired... Haha, it's got 4 pages (to me) of replies already!
  6. Either way, that was an almighty smackdown.
  7. Me too, or green. If either of those colours emerge, I'm buying some.
  8. They still are 3 piece? Crankarm, BB, other crankarm, which is 3.
  9. He's also got herculean strength, that might have to do with it.
  10. Poor boy. When I was 11, I instinctively knew how to not write like a pillock. The person at the front of the room at school, the old one, listen to them, you learn stuff from them.
  11. It sure does, DAN SIGNED IN :D :D
  12. Love the colourscheme. Haha
  13. I've got one, it works nice. I'm worried about it skipping, but it's not seeming like it will, I just dread if it does happen.
  14. It might work if you can get some needle-nosed pliers to fit in the little circles on the ends, then you can bend it open.
  15. Revolver

    Im Back

    Nice bike! It looks good finally complete. Strange about that rear tyre there, when I had it it never came off... It was a bloody tight fit though. What PSI is it at? Looking forwards to the new video! 24" TGS, hehe.
  16. That expression makes no sense.
  17. Mine is green. I like it, but I don't like it, but I like it more.
  18. I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to riding, so I don't do much that I'm scared to do. This includes, unfortunately, things I've already done, like this drop-gap at Bunny, that I did on my ciguena, and I haven't done on my inspired. That sort of explains why I don't progress very fast at the moment. I need to take more risks!
  19. You have a samsung, and so do I. Mine automatically uses the sentbox. Hehehe No, I don't know how to turn it on.
  20. I don't think we've seen the last of that picture...
  21. Shhh... I made it to 1:59 this time, I see.
  22. Talking of awesome cranks, if you can get them, get middleburns. Its a shame there aren't threaded ones for mods. Not only are they dead strong, they've got a lifetime warranty, so you only have to buy one set.
  23. Its either the gay sex pic or the pic of fat pants... Why not post both?
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