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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Buy a corrado, splash the rest on pimping it and still have some spare for a new trials bike. Or 3.
  2. Yeah, impressive. Keep it up! I've been riding for a year now, I can bunnyhop nearly bar height, gap something not far off wheelbase plus 1ft, and can gap to front... not well. Haha, you're a quick learner.
  3. How long have you been riding?
  4. Like ME! On my fourplay. However, I only run two sprockets, and it skips on the smaller of the two. I've not managed to tune them to eliminate the skipping, but it rarely does it. I'm going to use singlespeed when I've got a car that I can drive to places. Until then, I might stick to gears.
  5. The t-rex has a seat option, you know.
  6. When I ditch my gears, I'll get a linear slick front cable, then it's footjam tailwhip time...
  7. Sometimes I start thinking about all the stuff I want to buy, like a stock and a bmx and a 24" cruiser and bits for my dr j and bits for my inspired and a scirocco and i remember, I just don't have the money.
  8. Measure the mount spacing, look on tartybikes, compare the spacing. If they're the same it will fit. The fourplay fits a 2.7 high roller, so tyre clearance won't be an issue.
  9. It would work if you just used two spacers that interlocked with the sprocket. I'm guessing that's what the new prototype will be like. If you're looking for someone to test a 17t one... haha Do bring out a 17t one though, for 24" riders, 22-17 is just right, like 22-18 on a stock.
  10. I have a hs22 lever, braided hose, no booster, koxx brown pads, worn grind. It's not a fantastic brake, I think it has to do with how the pads have worn and the toss lever I've got. I want an 04 levera, and thankfully I know where to get one Water bled, too.
  11. Hey Joe, is there any word on the interlocking singlespeed/spacer kit? And will it come in 17t? And can I have one? Last I heard it was due out in march...
  12. Don't buy the 'chrome' ones. Buy some that you can 'grind'.
  13. What are you doing back?! Nice to see you again.
  14. I thought ebola was pretty contagious? I dunno if it was ebola, but they got two chimpanzees in a room, at either end from each other in cages, one with it and one without and in two weeks both were dead. Ebola melts your insides, pretty cool huh?
  15. You don't really need special cranks because most cranks are screw-on anyway. All it is is simply a freewheel, like an eno, tensile, or other, put on the front. You put a fixed sprocket on the back.
  16. Use the milk, or get a cool bag from somewhere and keep it in that, thats what we do when we defrost the freezer.
  17. Is that a bad grammar bandwagon or a ginger bandwagon you're starting?
  18. In the first picture, you put up, I'm sure he's wearing a helmet. It couldn't possibly be his hair...
  19. Awesome! It looks loads better with the spoiler on, never take it off again Pictures like this make me want one all the more! Hmm, give me a month or two
  20. Normally bmxers wear no protection, so at least he's put some thought into the fact he might shatter all of his bones if he misses.
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