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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Some girls at work gave me a bar of Nestlé crunch chocolate with the excuse 'I though the way that guy treated you was rude so this is for you.' I have no idea what they were on about, but I ain't turning down free chocolate.
  2. I think that's a bit over the top. I look at fat people with disdain too, but I woudn't go to that extreme. I just wonder why, when the world is anyone's oyster, they'd choose to eat it and become fat, rather than do something worth doing.
  3. A proper fat person is beyond a beer belly. It's when they stop looking like a chunky human and start looking like a pear with legs.
  4. Lol, problem solved. Assuming it's wood, pick it up and move it 3 metres away from the edge of your garden.
  5. Man, working in the supermarket you see loads of seriously fat bastards. There's this one lady, who works for us, and she's so fat she has to walk down the entranceway to the tills sideways. In fact I think she still struggles. I used to eat a right load of shit, and I was 13 stone at that time. I kind of realised that to get any more overweight I would actually have to try and eat more, eat when I'm not hungry, eat more shit. I don't get why people would do that. If the measure of a person's worth is in what they can do, then why choose to be fat when it just limits what you're capable of.
  6. Is there anything more modern around that's in your budget?
  7. Yeah, you should clean the rotor too.
  8. That's contaminated, man! Clean it good and proper first, then post back if it still does it.
  9. For me the humour is in seeing what the hell will happen when it drops.
  10. I can find a single used one for £110 posted, but I really don't wanna pay that for a new wheel. Hell, if I can sell mine for £100 each... I'll have made money on them!
  11. Sigh, I do have the original set of alloys that came on this car. The sidewalls on them tyres are huge! It understeers all over the place on those tyres.
  12. Rota Slipstream wheels. I take it you can't just weld it up yourself then?
  13. So I'm here for some advice. This happened. Which incidentally explains why my tyre has been going flat so much. How do I go about fixing this? Is it a specialist's job, or can anyone with a welder and the skills to use it fix it? I wonder if I should show the picture to the local council and try to get them to pay for it.
  14. If it can program stuff, I'd gladly come round and pick it up off you. It'd save me £40 that Vauxhall would charge for the same thing.
  15. Is that the fully-capable proper tech 2 program? That could program a VIN number into an immobiliser, say? Can I get a copy? On the other hand there are some people who don't have the means to modify cars to that extent, who only need a few questions answering. It doesn't seem worth coming in this thread because you get swamped or otherwise overlooked.
  16. Sometimes I post in here for advice but it seems to get lost in a sea of Jardo shite, and as a result I'm still not 100% sure why my car decided to immobilise itself whilst I was driving it.
  17. If I was a moderator, I am on here so much I could clear up a bit of spam here and there.
  18. There's no need to go all German on our asses.
  19. I need a new tyre for my car. It's £75! f**king potholes. Think I'll go for a budget tyre. I swear that one day I will have four matching tyres.
  21. There's a few of us that are out occasionally. Nottingham's ok, the PCSOs can be a problem. Leicester is close which is better to ride than here.
  22. Alright, I'll just have to take your word for it, Brad Johnson.
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