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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Revolver


    Its not a Dr. Jekyll. I asked Identiti, they say they made that 6 years ago as a prototype.
  2. SPECIFIC At least you didn't write pacific.
  3. Lol, when I went to go on my work experience, one of the dudes I would be working with died. As a result, I spent the week at school. Initially, I did coursework. Later, they made me sort out cupboards, and then later still, I had to clean down surfaces in the chemistry room. Haha. f**king trinity.
  4. I am trying to round up the last bits of my FMP, so I can get it printed out at college tomorrow. Production diary to do, and then the production schedule. Well, did you honestly expect me to do the schedule first? I also have one of my hot chocolates. Piled up with marshmallows, this is the perfect drink to wind down before going to sleep, without waking up with a headache.
  5. Dare you to edit it to, 'Please DON'T reply to this topic'
  6. Depends on the size of the post. I know eclat do one, the complex, but it's also bmx sized seatpost, which doesn't fit an inspired. I'm assuming the 24uk is the same seatpost size though, if it's actually bmx sized, no problem What I mean is, there aren't very many/any 27.2 integrated post/seats. Pivotal setup?
  7. Because Stone Cold Says So.
  9. The difference is, technically you can only post what you ARE listening to in the what you ar elistening to thread, and not what you DO listen to. Although, when you listen to something and post it in that thread, you do sort of tent to convey a sense of what your music taste is like.
  10. Going on that alone, I should have aspergers. Hmm.
  11. Oh the irony! So, if it was basically ready when this topic turned up... where is it now?
  12. Hey look everyone, I'm still awake! This is what you do in this thread, right?
  13. Yes. That multibag of skips saved my life. It turned an otherwise lethal punch into a mere miscarriage of potato snacks.
  14. What a disappointment. I was looking forward to the pictures of the results of whatever you did.
  15. I wasn't serious about moving into the punch. In that first post what I was reffering to was, if you move into the punch you might get knocked out, which is less painful because you're unconscious. Why don't you let him hit you once, and sit down and say, 'I'm not fighting you over f**k all, go suck your mum's dick.' ? As resident master of martial arts, you want to move with the punch, sure, so it doesn't hit you as hard. Or duck. Wait. Duck, smack him in the guts, upward, then knee him in the head, kick him over, jump on him and yell, 'WHO ELSE WANTS SOME? WHO ELSE? WHO ELSE WANT SOME OF DEEB- er, SMOBY?'
  16. Win, quickly. If his mates join in, grab the guy by the neck and cause him some proper harm until his mates realise the more they hurt you the more they hurt hi... Wait, chavs don't think like that. No, you're going to have to beat them all up. Know, I don't condone violence. That's why I don't get in fights. I CBA getting hurt, it's not enjoyable.
  17. If bricks were a little less gritty and a little bit more brown, they'd look like cake. Hmm, imagine that... serving up a cake that looks like a brick. People would look at it and go WTF? and you'd sit there eating a brick.
  18. What it seems you want is for him to hit you and win. That sucks, you suck. If he hits you and you manage to take it, and you don't go down, and you leave, he'll still hit you more, and you're going to look like a twat for trying to run away. Me, in school I didn't give a shit if I ran away, but funnily enough I never got in fights anyway. Except for the time when this guy was throwing tomatoberries/rosehips at me, so I kicked him a few times, but he took them and kept laughing, so I throttled him until he went to sleep. RAAAAARRGH HOW ARD DO I SOUND NOW MOTHAf**kAS I'LL TAKE YER ALL ON f**k YEH TF'S MUM HAS A DICK CMON THEN I'LL TEK YER OUT.
  19. This is correct. To gain a good reputation (not necessarily) from a fight, WIN, and WIN GOOD. Knock him the f**k out!
  20. Try and move your head into the fist at the same time as he throws the punch. The resultant effect of the rapid transferrence of the combined velocity into that of your face will produce a numbing effect in the region of the locality to which the velocity was directed, which will also possibly be transferred to the more general contents of your cranium. Alternatively, dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge. I dunno, you'd wanna stop the punch. If you don't mind being in the fight, avoid being hit, lessen the blows, and take advantage of any opening in his guard. If you want the fight to be over quickly, follow my initial post, run the shit away, or talk him out of it.
  21. Word, girls are shit, really. Or maybe I'm shit. Hm.
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