Haha. The only part of the creation of life that was down to chance was the atcual creation of it, out of the chemicals in the sea, that type of thing. Evolution just, makes sense. We all know that you pass down genetic traits. 'Oh, he's got his father's eyes.' 'Bloody hell, he's just like his father.' and so on. So, it's not particulary difficult to imagine this - the ape that figured out that it could stab ants through a hole with a stick ate more, so he was stronger because he'd eaten more, protein, grew more muscle, so he knocked the f**k out of the other apes when it came to mating season. Then all his offspring were strong AND smart... Multiply that by a few millions of years, and it's not which ape can stab ants with a stick through a hole, it's which dickhead bloke can treat the most women like shit, or which not-so-clever person can shoot the most missiles... Evolution, everybody! Personally, I think the age of survival of the fittest (darwin actually meant the most fit, the most suitable) is over. Although, in a sense, survival of the fittest, like you tell your mates the lass over there is, is where we're at now. Lol