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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. God created vegetables too, don't forget. He made everything, so you can't eat it. Although, he didn't come up with the idea for these chocolate buttons I'm eating, so that's ok. YOu're never going to SEE the big bang, it happened a long time ago. A few hundred thousand years before earth even existed, in fact. Do you know what redshift is? Do you know what the doppler effect is? That's the thing where if an ambulance passes you, it's siren starts to decrease in pitch. The sound is taking longer to get there, less energy in it, thus it is quieter AND deeper in pitch. Well, that happens with light too, unsurprisingly because light behaves like a wave, most of the time. The result of the doppler effect on light is the appearance that things are giving off more red light. Now you're going to say, why don't all the stars look red? And I'm going to say stars are f**king bright and redshift doesn't effect them that much, and that you're also forgetting infrared radiation, which you can't see. And I'm also going to say, the stars you can see are relatively near, try looking a bit further away. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift Oh yeah, scientists have such powerful telescopes now that they can look to the very edge of the universe. Because the light takes so long to get there, you in effect see the past, meaning when they look, they can see new galaxies and stars forming following the edge of the universe. This, coupled with redshift, that proves the universe is expanding, suggests that edge has been moving for a long time, meaning that once the universe was much smaller, and in the wake of that edge, our sun and the gases that created our planet were formed.
  2. Yeah, they're all going to this bikeradar event, is what I understand.
  3. 05 hs33 is the latest model, they don't look like those
  4. I have one of those levers on my bike. I was told on here it was a HS22 tomac. None of the lever blade part is compatible with any other HS brake.
  5. If you find an object you can hook, rather than just hooking (lol, where there is a ledge to stop your front wheel coming off) you can release the rear brake to get spring to help yourself up.
  6. 18-12 on a stock? No, you want 18-16 or 15.
  7. Forget about Hardcore Christians, how about Hardcore Christ?
  8. You can get those in sainsbury's here. They look like pancakes. I'm guessing they don't taste like pancakes.
  9. Ride. Get out of the house. If you have a fast bike, just pick a route, 5, 10 miles, make sure you go full pelt along some of it, it feels great.
  10. Not to mention the bible is f**king old, and in that space of time it's fair to assume a degree of artistic modification. Walking by the water soon becomes walking on the water, finding a jug of wine soon becomes turning water into it. In zeitgeist, and also I saw this on TV, the emperor constantine (i think) passed a law that decided that from then on jesus was to be said to have been real. Interesting...
  11. tinypic is a website for uploading pictures a bit like photobucket but without needing an account. OR, upload it in the TF file uploader, down and right, and when it's uploaded, click on the manage attachments menu and click on the pic you want inserting and it's done. Img tags only work for pictures already on the internet. Copy the url of the image, put a around it, er, dave's yer brother.
  12. I'm not worried... if anyone nukes us, firstly, you'll be vapourised, so you won't know about it, and secondly they'll get the shit bombed out of them. And thus, the whole world will end. I'm just curious as to where they test them. Nuclear missiles have a fallout, so it has to be somewhere far off, but it's still dangerous to the environment and to people, because fallout travels.
  13. Haha, I just collect glass coke bottles. I've got some english ones, an old english one, a world up one, and three from turkey. I want to get more!
  14. Revolver

    Simps Teaser.

    Sidehops will never be exciting. EVER. By all means filmsome mod TGS in the final product, but you're a 24" boy now (and a pretty good one, i might add), there's no going back!
  15. Hot damn, are we playing uno? HaHA! I chose yellow, bitches!
  16. f**k, yeah Thanks Tom!
  17. I was up playing wii sports with my brother. Wii boxing is f**king funny to watch someone play.
  18. When's later on? I was due to be able to change mine back today...
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