God created vegetables too, don't forget. He made everything, so you can't eat it. Although, he didn't come up with the idea for these chocolate buttons I'm eating, so that's ok. YOu're never going to SEE the big bang, it happened a long time ago. A few hundred thousand years before earth even existed, in fact. Do you know what redshift is? Do you know what the doppler effect is? That's the thing where if an ambulance passes you, it's siren starts to decrease in pitch. The sound is taking longer to get there, less energy in it, thus it is quieter AND deeper in pitch. Well, that happens with light too, unsurprisingly because light behaves like a wave, most of the time. The result of the doppler effect on light is the appearance that things are giving off more red light. Now you're going to say, why don't all the stars look red? And I'm going to say stars are f**king bright and redshift doesn't effect them that much, and that you're also forgetting infrared radiation, which you can't see. And I'm also going to say, the stars you can see are relatively near, try looking a bit further away. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift Oh yeah, scientists have such powerful telescopes now that they can look to the very edge of the universe. Because the light takes so long to get there, you in effect see the past, meaning when they look, they can see new galaxies and stars forming following the edge of the universe. This, coupled with redshift, that proves the universe is expanding, suggests that edge has been moving for a long time, meaning that once the universe was much smaller, and in the wake of that edge, our sun and the gases that created our planet were formed.