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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Revolver

    Rc Cars

    You owe us a video.
  2. Poor choice, taking the easy and popular route out.
  3. They always now put in a person who is horrifically camp. I remember a few BBs ago there was the asian dude who was the same, and I saw that dude and CBA to watch any more. It's not the fact that they're gay, you get people who are straight who are so camp, it's the fact that they're annoying and need to STFU. BB used to be a proper social experiment, well, in the first two, and since then it's become manufactured. Sure, it's funny to watch, sometimes, but it just gets in the way.
  4. Mods are poo, get a stock. Mods don't handle right, they aren't so good for rolling manoeuvres and you can do everything on a mod on a stock, and you can actually ride it to places.
  5. If you ever watch one of his riding videos, you'll understand why a front brake isn't necessary.
  6. I have a 2.5 high roller on the back of my bike, and I'm fully capable of 180ing it into a fakie.
  7. Onza used to/might still make some adapters to let you run hs33 pads on v brakes. ta-DA!
  8. Revolver

    Dot Dot Dot

    Most mobile phone customer service lines are automated, to a point. I guess that's not what you mean though.
  9. It looks like I'm out. There's a very, very slim chance, we're talking thinner than amy winehouse, chance that I can go.
  10. Beats me. Actually, google suggests there is a wolf sipder that bites. My critters knowledge is out of date, lol.
  11. Wolf spiders are piddly little things that are grey/white and jump.
  12. If I knew what unsesed was, I might be more inclined to care. So this is right, she filmed videos of herself and put them to a song? But we do that with trials videos that are loads more exciting? (If I come across as a b*****d, it's not intentional)
  13. Oh, no, we don't even get that here. I was sure we had one deadly spider.
  14. Some bikes have additional holes because parts of them are factory standard. Example, my inspired has holes on the dropouts to put a pannier rack, because they're dropouts chosen from a catalog.
  15. Lul I don't get it, why do we want to subscribe or comment?
  16. That spider isn't a huntsman, we only have one poisonous spider, which is the black widow, and the rest aren't capable of biting you. It's a common house spider, I would've thought.
  17. No, black widows are small, thin-legged, and black with a red patch on their ass.
  18. Probably, see if you can move them with either pliers or a screw driver. I had this problem once, lol.
  19. To be honest, I have no idea what Fireworks does, and I have yet to see the point in using it over Illustrator/Photoshop. Thus, my advice is to get either a bent copy of those two, which is bad or to buy them from Adobe - if you're a student I've heard you can get a rather large reduction.
  20. I would go for short blasts of fire against the wall with deodorant and lighter. I usually hose bugs down with air freshener, they sget stuck and suffocate. Still gotta clean em up though.
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