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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Did you ring hope and they told you you need a reciept? Usually people just send off their bust hubs and they come back fixed, I thought... haha
  2. We have this guy, I've only seen him twice. He's not in the city centre. Anyway, his story is his wife is in labour in Derby hospital, his parents-in-law won't send him some money, and his car is out of petrol, and he needs some money to get the bus to see his child be born. Well, I believe he offered to sell us his car and his mobile before, in a roundabout way, but its still not genuine. Hehe, the first time he was wearing a proper jazzy outfit like you might see in 80's ghetto america. He is black though, so he pulls it off, kinda. I thought you lived in Derby?
  3. Congrats again, now bring out a video/get some riding pics!
  4. Thing is, if you ride it and break it, you can just fix it
  5. You're doing great seeing as you've got no jig, and its all done out of old steel, and you've not done it before! Nice one, if I knew how to weld I'd do it myself!
  6. Cool, nice to see my old frame is being ridden properly
  7. The slaves are probably hs33 ones, but that lever is different, and the boosters too. Weeeeeeird.
  8. Shimano Sora is all you need. Use an 8sp KMC kool chain. The trialtech one works just fine, from tartybikes. Use a compatible shifter, I used the SRAM rocket shifter from CRC.
  9. I had two gears on my fourplay but I used a derallieur.
  10. Remember when that person went on there, they said the stig would open the helmet a bit for air, and you'd be compelled to slowly try and look through the gap, whereupon the stig closes the helmet. I think they meet the stig, but he talks, its just the helmet and the fact no-one knows who the hell he is mask his voice, so people can't figure it out.
  11. Yes, but it didn't take long, really.
  12. It's bigger than that of a 116 fixed hub... I think in regards to the through axle, providing hope make it compatible with all the other axles too, that will be fine. You know, cause you can have a QR pro II, and change it to fun bolts. It would make sense...
  13. Fair enough, that Hope is really busy, but I seem to recall during this topic that they literally produced a prototype for the fixed hub in one day. I'd put one of these on a bmx!
  14. Could buy some cold weld and do that?
  15. Not that kind of a rip off.
  16. Precisely how I feel... f**king longest day?! What a rip off, summer hasn't even started.
  18. Michael Schumacher! Haha, cool. I personally can understand that there may be many different people as the stig. Maybe they revealed the stig as Schumacher so people would stop asking?
  19. That's not a snaped t-pro. THIS... is a snaped t-pro.
  20. The reason why it sucks is primarily because if I wanted, I could up the speed at which my computer lays down another x, as well as increasing the time I have to wait after the first x for it to start adding more. Plus the fact that people are going to just add more anyway. I got something like 1400, then I clicked out of the window to show my brother and it stopped.
  21. I hope people didn't forget they were meant to put a 10 second long line in there... *watches callum's video* Oh wait...
  22. This thread is retarded! Freakin' idiots! Ugh.
  23. A BB7 is fine on the back for a jump bike.
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