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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Unfortunately, images in sigs aren't allowed in this forum.
  2. You file it off if you don't have a longer bolt.
  3. I watched an eposide of 5th gear where they tested a Lamborghini and speed camera detectors... It was actually rather informative. You actually got a sense of how the Lambo drove when Tiff explained it. Much better than Jeremy's similies.
  4. What a retard james was not to get that spitfire! If I were jeremy or richard, I'd've bid on that as well...
  5. Nice try, but to suit a seat its got to have more of a jump bike shape to it... That brake mount idea is cool though.
  6. Great news everyone! I've invented a device that lets you hear my voice in your head when you read this!
  7. You need to take that picture out of your signature, unfortunately.
  8. The trick really is to push in and turn with the screwdriver as well as using the spanner.
  9. She's not particularly pretty, I thought. She was more annoying. She was too stupid to realise it would help if she at least put some effort in. I for one don't find retardedness attractive.
  10. Here's an idea - Get the screwdriver, it's a flathead, so put that into the screw, then get an adjustable spanner, tighten it against the blade of the screwdriver, and use the leverage of the spanner to turn it out.
  11. Dunno how you managed to think news had an apostrophe in it... Sad to hear about your loss though. And also, happy to hear about your gain.
  12. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  13. Madison Welch. You can see her tits on Google Image.
  14. Took me a while to realise it was the same clips over and over. I kinda switch off when it's sidehop after sidehop.
  15. Ringing smaller insurance firms is your best bet, I think. It's classed as a commercial vehicle so you have less choice for insurers. Perhaps try HIC?
  16. It's 'shit' because it's hard. It's not the same style, people will still have different styles coming through.
  17. BRUTAL but nice going kudos
  18. I think we should turn that wine picture into a forum in-joke. I've taken the liberty of demonstrating what I mean in the following two pictures: Here we find the picture merged with the ever popular Lobsterdog. Here we find the picture merged with the most recent picture of Hendrix on his holidays.
  19. Revolver

    Hip Hop.

    Nice one, I'll have to get that album when it's out!
  20. No one said that. Anyway, as I was fixing my chain in Evans, I managed to avoid the rain completely! What a stroke of luck.
  21. Flipped a coin, specifically, a quarter. It said BMX...
  22. Better not rain. If it rains, I'm not doing it.
  23. stoooooooopidest spelling i've seen all day
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