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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. The gold looks rubbish
  2. You can take the driveshell out with elbow grease, I'd not fiddle with any of the internals.
  3. Is anyone else not surprised?
  4. Works means, actually drives around, not just starts.
  5. Get it fixed, and keep it for a bit... it owes you some driving time!
  6. I used to run kenda DH tubes, the ridiculously thick ones. Anywho, I never pinched it, until I ran a DMR moto tyre. Now I use some random tube I can't even remember the make of, and a High Roller... and it's been fine!
  7. Whats up with the golf at the moment?
  8. Get the relevant drivers. You need to do this bit:
  9. I've got a sound system to go into my clio, but I prefer being able to hear the engine over the music. It lets me know better when to change gear. I didn't drive for long when I'd passed before my mum swapped cars, so I didn't feel I was at the point where I'd want to have music blasting out. Besides, it's anti-social if you have a passenger. It's a bit pointless giving a mate a lift and not being able to talk to them.
  10. Revolver

    Photoshop Help

    Its the fact it needs scaling up. The fact I can erase the unwanted bits is just a convenience.
  11. Revolver

    Photoshop Help

    The trouble with this one is deciding which chin to erase up to.
  12. Best thing to do is for everyone interested to, say, mark themselves on a pic of the UK, and then we could pick the place that's the most central whilst having a decent pub/roads for driving. Time-wise, wasn't our last one in the first week of november? I think if it was done in late september, that could work. It's long enough notice for people to plan for it properly. It would give some, for example, Dan6061 and Boumsong, to fix their cars.
  13. If it's sealed, it seems pretty straightforwards to take apart. I think the trick is not having it blow apart when you undo the lockring.
  14. Looking forwards to the time when he starts the car, and realises it doesn't turn... Or that when it turns it pulls his hours of hard work bumper off. Haha.
  15. Revolver

    Photoshop Help

    I'LL do it! This is a 72dpi one, I've got a 300dpi one, lol, but it's a little too big to upload. I can fiddle with it if you want that one... Hi-res HO!
  16. I think the important thing is he gets publicly humiliated. Then whenever he goes to an interview, it will be, "Aren't you that funny-looking guy who was on TV who ripped people off for bike parts?"
  17. Thing about yours, it would have to be bigger than it is, I reckon. And also... concerning the pad movement from BB7s... if you changed the internals, it would change the rate of pad movement. If it works on something like screw thread (a bit like a chris king, even) then if you change the pitch (is that right?) of the thread it will travel more... I think the important thing would be to not have to change any of the mounts or add anything to the frame. If you had a straddle cable, you'd need an extra cable guide like on a BMX. I do think someone (me, if I had the knowhow) should try a cable-pull HS33
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