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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. He realises the whole of TF hates him, and he wants to do as much stuff to annoy us as possible before he gets banned.
  2. Didn't he work for hope? And something about nasa, and his uncle owning hope, and him testing parts for hope, and something to do with some wicked sick brake pads? He was long before my time...
  3. From what I've heard about Pete Wright, you're nothing like. He was a prime bullshitter, you... just get in the way.
  4. Lets have a poll for the user that most needs to f**k off, and then get OBM in on it so they (joshlyd1) can be banned.
  5. Clearly hendrix wins, without needing a vote. I dunno what else.
  6. Change the poll, lets have a different award.
  7. Damn, I thought it was kris that did that. Haha I'm voting for JD, he mentioned noodz, I believe...
  8. The king on my bike must be 4 years old, and hasn't skipped yet. I don't like your pet apple, and 1+2+3 = 6, not 5.
  9. Fair enough. Well, when I finish skate I'll get skate 2, and then I might sort out my live connection so I can play online.
  10. Mm, I'm struggling. I can do that one, there's one, 3,250 points, 15m grind and manual-flip-grind, or there's 4,500 points, 6 grinds and 1080 spin. I thought I could do the last one in the Plan B park on the halfpipe, but I can't get enough grinds in =/ The spillway seems to be the best place for most things, hah. I reckon more time and I could land the first or second one there. Does anyone still play skate online? Or have you all buggered off to skate 2?
  11. The video challenges on skate are solid... I'm doing this one, 3,250 points, 8m jump and grind-fliptrick-manual. I can't land the manual I'm at the spillway though, so its no trouble doing the tricks.
  12. Use flash, and use motion tweens. It still takes a long time, but it's easier than frame-by-frame.
  13. S'all good. Remember, keep everything under the water when the bolts are undone, undo them under the water, wind your TPA all the way out, and pump the lever quickly if you can.
  14. No, you can do it on any. You can't be doing it right, but the only way I could show you is to do it there. If you have a syringe, syringe bleed it.
  15. You undo all the bolts under water. You need to alternate the holes you're covering. As the lever goes down, cover one hole, as the lever goes up, cover the other.
  16. If I had a firewire card, I'd make the video. I wrote part of the wiki too... It takes a while to get into the right rhythm. Squeeze lever whilst letting finger off caliper bleed hole. Then, whilst unsqueezing the lever, put your finger over the caliper hole again and release the hole on the lever. It doesn't matter which direction you do it in, so long as you do a complete bleed in either direction.
  17. The lever blade shouldn't come out... Are you undoing the right bolt? See where the hose goes into the lever, you need to undo the bolt next to that. It's a little grub screw.
  18. Was this damage listed in the item description? If not, then he really ought to compensate you somehow.
  19. f**king yes mate! Lines, and spins! See what happens when you do it? That was sick! TGS power and street skills all in one Keep it up!
  20. It's possible about the PSI thing. I had a crossover that was clear, briefly. I had an air bubble in there (the tube was too wide so it leaked) and when you squeezed the lever, the bubble, maybe 2cm wide, would shrink to a pinprick size.
  21. It's like the Wii but a shitload better. In the demo for the racing game though, how the hell do you accellerate? The lass was just steering. Haha, this completely wipes nintendo out of the picture.
  22. Revolver

    Random Video

    HAHAHAHA I read this, because I was looking to see if anyone else had found the aspect ratio to be toss. Anyway, I read that, above, and thought, 'Huh? What the hell does that mean?' Anyway, a clip with the poor chap comes on, and I think 'Yoooo, that guy has massive hair, and then it clicks, and tears were shed
  23. Evidently not, I seem to recall you asking me for the answer to my entry for guess the car
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