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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. It's a fair bit better than a rip or blade.
  2. Revolver

    Ouch, My Chin

    What you were meant to put was:
  3. I wonder what he'll say when he next comes online.
  4. Looking forward to the new video. Neil is the original MASSIVE rider.
  5. That's the one. They dropped the T because they no longer felt the need to reinforce the fact Onza is a trials brand.
  6. You're fine, but don't get in the way.
  7. Keep at it. Don't worry about those, they'll come naturally when you're better at backhops in general.
  8. It's only funny because you're all thinking it too
  9. Is that, order for all fo that, or for just the rims?
  10. Damon W would snap one up pretty quick.
  11. Revolver

    Ouch, My Chin

    Ah, ye wuss. Get a plaster on, and leave it. You'll fix of your own accord.
  12. Jump bike - low BB, short CS, sharper HA (i think) so it can take higher forks, shorter in general. Trials bike - raised BB, around 30, longer CS, 380 or so, slacker HA to take lower forks, longer - 1030 or so.
  13. Are you undoing them much? If you just loosen them off a little bit the chain tugs will stay in the dropouts whilst you're using them. If that's not it, I'm fresh out of ideas.
  14. Just checking, but you are undoing the nuts on the wheel before you tighten the chain tugs?
  15. No, YOU... are the Have you thought about stepping forwards?
  16. How do you inflate grips to get them on?
  17. If you'd read the thread you'd find out what a switzerland squeaker is...
  18. Not necessarily. If the diameter's right, then it will just press in. As for removing, you knock the axle out first, then pull the remaining set of bearings out.
  19. crash mat, landing mat, same thing. Basically, one of the principles in free-running is shock absorbing. The idea is you learn to roll out of big falls, so that you can take larger drops without getting hurt. In which case, what the f**k do they need a crash mat for, they can already survive bigger falls than usual.
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