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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. That's pretty serious. Ring hope, describe it to them, they'll tall you to debuild it, box it up and post it to them. You'll probably get a new one in the post back.
  2. BIN IT. But seriously, pictures of said camera.
  3. That picture doesn't look right, the front logo, police should be written backwards. Anywho, the sirens are real whatever, so a total score of for you.
  4. Haha, fair enough.



  5. Fo' trials, you use 22-18, or 18-14. Fo' your average street stuff, or for a more MMMMANLY riding experience, you use 22-17, or 18-13. I'm on 18-13, and I'm as macho as they come.
  6. where in nottingham do you live? I'm in wollaton.

  7. It's good to see that some girls actually get the urge to DO STUFF. I'm pretty sure if you ask girls what their hobbies are, they'll all say getting smashed, which everyone does so it doesn't count, and maybe shopping, which everyone does so it doesn't count.
  8. Limewire IS crap... it used to be pretty good for downloading... stuff... but it's usually pretty slow and riddled with viruses.
  9. It may be legal, but sometimes, cops are as uninformed as anyone else... so you could get pulled up about it anyway. A bit like how the new rules make 24" bikes children's bikes or toys, and therefore, allowed on the pavement...
  10. Possibly has to do with why we don't hear much about him now.
  11. Adonising. The process of becoming adonis. Adonis was a greek god, I'll have you know.
  12. I know... it's a valuable technique if you do competitions, but I don't. I'd like to do natural trials, but I need to sort my car out first. If I did natural trials, I'd learn them, maybe.
  13. I stopped trying because the day after I could do them, I couldn't do them for shit, at all. And shortly after I decided not to learn them, because I disagree with the philosophy of TGS, and did it as a form of NON-CONFORMISM. Later, I decided I didn't give a shit, but I still didn't learn them because CBA, especially when I could bunnyhop up anything I wanted to.
  14. Not putting it in straight, and then thinking, 'If I tighten this, it'll straighten out, right?'
  15. Yeah man, how did you know? One time, I could side hop from two to two, up to maybe 26", or whatever 3 1/2 pallets is. And then, after that day, I lost the ability, and I decided they were suck and never tried them again.
  16. Hahaha, I agree. Stupid skinny jeans. Crazy guy. I counted, and half of those clips were only sidehops. Sidehops?! Who gives a shit about sidehops?
  17. You're right... However, a lot of the topics that have been closed recently are rule violations - spam, discussing illegal downloads... and there's the topic with the video in that should've been in BOTI. Although that could've been merged with BOTI instead of closed.
  18. However, it's a much better idea to get your threads sorted than rely on a toss BB like those.
  19. http://www.google.co.uk/products?q=threadl...acket&hl=en Come on... it's not like that was hard. The trick to getting validated is initiative.
  20. Revolver


    What the hell is this topic? You're just going to get ripped to shreds for this. Oh yeah, you should've put it in chit chat.
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