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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Marinos are steel, steel is heavier than alu. Steel tubing is thinner and it still works out heavier.
  2. Stiff, well, as they're steel, it's bound to be less stiff than a similar alu frame. Strong, Mr. Marino seems to be getting welding down, so it should be pretty good. Being steel it's also very easy to get repaired if it breaks. Weight, depends on what you order really, but as it's steel, it's likely to be heavier than a similar alu frame. Postage, a week or two, I think.
  3. Revolver

    Nwbt 5

    Cool music That slow-mo tap will do nicely for learning them
  4. Get a 26". It's not really a case of it being easier. A mod is lighter and smaller, but if you're more used to a big bike, you'll suit a 26" better.
  5. Do you cry at night knowing you're associated with a guy who thinks travel cluedo is a suitable replacement for a bike part?
  6. Random shouldn't be something you force, it's something that comes naturally, to those with the gift.
  7. Revolver


    Well, maybe. There's not much chance of me doing it.
  8. Revolver


    That's the dickhead!
  9. Revolver


  10. Oh yeah? Well, you've got another thing coming. Watch your back, my son, watch your back...
  11. f**k you and your bank. If you keep it up, you'll get better than me! Can't let that happen. Where's me hacksaw...?
  12. CKs are good because the EPs all engage at the same time. With a pawl-type freewheel system, to have more EPs needs smaller EPs and smaller pawls, which eventually causes the need to compromise between EPs and how shit the EPs are. In a CK, this isn't the case. However, at £360 or so () a hub, they're a bit much, and they were even before a good high-EP pawl freewheel came out.
  13. It's not cool to smoke anymore. Plus, the NHS is very helpful in helping you to stop smoking.
  14. Why do I have to be Mr Pink? Why can't we pick our own colours? Mr. Pink sounds too much like Mr Pussy, what about Purple? Sounds good to me, I'll be Mr. Purple.
  15. The nation's favourite magura oil is citroen brake fluid, because it's cheap, and you can get it in large quantities, so you've got enough to keep going if you screw up.
  16. Damn, that sounds spot on... What's the effect's geo?
  17. No, I want you to move the entire vivarium to my house for a brief visit, so I can look. On a more serious note, when I sort my clio out, I can blast up to mansfield whenever I' free.
  18. Revolver


    I think if I went urban exploring, I'd try to find something to keep as a souvenir from each place I went to. I wouldn't mind checking out the RAF village, or one of the underground bunker village-sort-of-places.
  19. That depends more on the rider and the bike being set up for the rider, than the bike itself. I could manual my 26" handsomedog frame with 24" wheels better than I could my old BMX.
  20. Awesome, I want to come and see it
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