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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Revolver

    Mouth Gaurd?

    Well, if you're on about more of an external thing, there is a helmet you can get through CRC that has a removeable bit that defends your chin.
  2. A couple of pieces of advice - Don't use comic sans. Try using arial for the whole site Try aligning it to the middle of the page - <div align='center'> If you put that directly after the opening body tag, and a closing div tag </div> directly before the closing body tag, it should align it to centre. You ought to change where it says 'New Page 5' in the title tag as well, just put www.scot-wilson.co.uk in there, it'll do the trick! Finally, try listing your sponsors with words rather than images, although I think aligned centre might improve it enough. Colour-wise, you could pick better ones, but it works. I've seen much worse websites. Yours certainly gets its point across though. I'd personally not use frames, but use separate pages completely, but each to their own.
  3. Gee willikers, batman, will I?
  4. Lets all just stop trying to figure it out... and just enjoy the fact that he did something pretty nuts.
  5. Are onza ices good... Read your own post, and realise that if you liked the feel of it better than your own frame, you ought to get one. I'm also going to put a prediction down that we will get many more answers that basically say the same thing.
  6. Haha, cool, glad I watched that. Some of clips were from Nottingham Uni, which is where I ride most of the time.
  7. I didn't know tubes actually came in 19". I always used 20" CHENG-SHIN tubes in my mod.
  8. If it's a case of sidehop up, show that you've made it, and then drop off, then sure, it counts. If it's more sidehop up, and drop off because you can't hold it, that's shit.
  9. That's strange... It seems like virtually every rider in NMC rides a mod. If this poll was open to NMC, the results would be loads different.
  10. I've listened to hypnotism CDs before, and as much as I've wanted to play along with them before, I snap in and out of hypnotism... it's just the way I are. If I thought about it enough and tried it enough, I could do it. It's just such a waste of time if it's not working.
  11. Hypnotism works differently on different people... For example, if you approach it from the angle, 'Haha, yeah right...' then it probably won't work. Evidently, it's had some effect. I'd've thought it wouldn't work on me, though.
  12. If you're not selling it, it doesn't really matter how much you could sell it for. When chavs ask you 'You sellin that bike mayte?' and 'Armuch is that bike werf bled?' You say, 'f**k you mum.'
  13. I caint do it. I liked mine, but I rode a bike on tuesday that changed things. Now, if I've known pre-leeson that you'd've sold yours... Haha.
  14. You could... cut the pivotal part off, machine it down to fit, and weld it to a 22mm piece of decent tube of the same metal.
  15. I've sent a frame and wheel before... it wasn't hard. Put in box, go to post office, pay the man, wave goodbye. 4 steps!
  16. Just look for one that says portable, heh. I'd go for the cheapest one, they're basically the same.
  17. Used to have one of those... Shame I can't find one to buy.
  18. Clockwise... but it was going counter clockwise the first time I looked. After having a third go, I realise that she has pretty good tits for a silhouette.
  19. 1) Yes 2) If you measure the wheelbase, say, tie string to either axle, the BB height is from the centre of the bb to that bit of string - in line with the axles. 3) You don't account for the forks... if you look on tarty they use the same set of forks for measuring each frame's geo. Just measure it with whatever forks you've got, it will be fine - the frame you'll be getting will be using the same forks, so if you get the same wheelbase, it will be no different
  20. Revolver


    I did it... The way I see it... if I ground it my current pads would work better, and then when I get phatpads it should be fairly dull by then. I ground it and could still manual using it. I try to use it as little as possible.
  21. If you're thinking that you might be safe because you might have a different one, that's not true. They're all virtually the same, if not in some cases exactly the same, and they all snap.
  22. Who says a T-rex isn't? Get the stock. Stocks rock, that's why they rhyme. If I weren't riding a 24 (Cause I know the score ) I'd be riding a stock.
  23. Revolver


    Thinking about hitting up some new try-all brown pads on a grind. Roughly what I use now. Good idea?
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