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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Naah, I'd leave those. The triangle bit - chainstay yoke - possibly, but I'd still not bother. Basically look at frames you can buy, see where they've been drilled and so, and copy that.
  2. It's been done before. There are certain places you can do it, with no problem (or little problem) like the headtube, and the BB shell, and on gussets and possibly what your trials bike has instead of a seatpost. Other than that, I'd not bother.
  3. 18:12 is THE mod ratio. 18:16 on a mod would be far too light to do anything well.
  4. NOT SO FAST. Can you actually do them?
  5. Youtube Video -> ">Original Video "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  6. Found this picture in the arsehole of the internet, thought it was relevant.
  7. It looks cool, I think it would be interesting to use... I'd be tempted to set the alternative brake as the front brake, and the conventional one as the back brake.
  8. I nterestingly enough, I bought something off a dude, it was on the 48hr delivery process... it took 8 days.
  9. I bought some of those, that did that. Tarty offered to replace them for a set that did fit for me.
  10. They say in heaven love comes first...
  11. It's not a question mark... Thus, ؟ yourself. (Obscure punctuation represent)
  12. Apparently, if you actually manage to knock chuck norris out, you become god.
  13. I find your side of this argument difficult to comprehend.
  14. Jim Dunlop tortex orange plectrum, reciept's for sainsbury's.
  15. I'll give you... a plectrum, a werther's original, a reciept for two bottles of Dr. Pepper, and £1.78.
  16. Validation isn't hard, you just need common sense and initiative.
  17. No, you could still potentially be a scammer. That is why this rule is in place, do not question it. ? Well, yeah, but there's THREE whole topics - two stickies and one announcement, at the top of the page, telling you the rules. It's not like they're incon-fahking-spicuous, nah, izzit?
  18. This is true, I pinched mine with a superthick kenda innertube. Similarly, I have a high roller and a bontrager mediocre tube, and haven't pinched it yet.
  19. I use a hight roller on the back.. I don't think mine's 2.7 though. Maybe you want to try the Kenda Blue groove?
  20. I for one, am not going to vote this dude for validation.
  21. One more thing, if you buy it, it will never sell on trials forum.
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