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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Interested. Let's see if Muel wants to go.
  2. Really, if you want to go for height, you need to use a different technique. However, if you preload correctly, you can get more height or distance from any move. You can find guides at www.trashzen.com
  3. You listened to Architects? They're a good band, they never sing, which personally I think is their downfall, but there's still vocals.
  4. What's crunk rock? Sounds gangsta. I listen to: Rock A little bit of indie rock, but stuff with good sounding guitars Metal 'Eavy metal Metalcore Post-hardcore, or whatever bands like Alexisonfire, Rise Against, Funeral For a Friend come under Basically music that has cool sounding guitars in Also Hip-hop and Dubstep, and a bit of DnB.
  5. Sabadell is mostly concrete, but it would give you an idea of sizes and arrangements.
  6. Look for pics of Sabadell, or look in riding pictures for Bigman's trials parks. Those are good examples, although you'd struggle to build stuff like Sabadell for cheap, lol.
  7. You can view the member's section as a pre-member, but not post in it.
  8. Revolver

    Tnn Lgm

    Mmm, I know a dude who got some of these pads, I think they lasted a week? There's still material left, but he reckons it wouldn't last a day of riding.
  9. It's discolouration due to welding. It looks cool, so some people opt just for a lacquer to protect the frame from rust and scratches, instead of paint.
  10. After two months of riding, I could backhop, pedalkick just short of bike length, sidehop 24" or something, and pedal-up about the same. Now... I can backhop, gap over bike length, sidehop 24", pedal-up maybe 3", and bunnyhop just under bar-height (on a good day). Crucially, I've improved my balance recently too.
  11. In trials - 1) balance - trackstand, rocking and hopping on the spot 2) bunnyhops 3) backhops 4) pedalkicks 5) pedal-ups (what you're calling zap-taps) 6) pinch-gaps (as well as just learning to preload properly) 7) sidehops 8) taps (on a stock) 9) gaps to front 10) up to front 11) hook You could learn the last 3 in any order though, really. Forgot sidehops
  12. It's the same shit, just the other way around.
  13. Using the bolt... It's either a bolt or a little wheel thing, basically, if you twiddle that the bolt pushes the wheel back.
  14. I think it looks pretty RAD, but I'd not do it, it doesn't look like you'd get great tension, and it means bending spokes badly.
  15. I've had my koxx browns for over a year now. Plus, I got them on a bike I bought second hand. Mine have about 3-4mm left... I need to replace mine, ideally. But heed this, they're over 1 1/2 years old, and still with use.
  16. That's bollocks, I know that for a fact.
  17. Now, that's plain wrong. You can't say 'your the tit.' Think about it this way, you're saying 'his the tit.' Now, you must decide wether you mean to say 'his tit' or 'he's the tit'. Please, don't take this the wrong way. People ripping you for shocking grammar and spelling - no, it's just advice. After all, what chance do you stand of writing a good C.V and getting a job with it when you don't know the difference between you're and your? Now, to put this in perspective, I knew the difference when I was in primary school. Your profile tells me you're 15 (see how I used the right ones in the right places?)which puts you in secondary school, in the process of your GCSEs. You are well behind.
  18. The onza one looks... like it might snap at the headtube. =/ How can you know it will snap? If it didn't, they'd've used that design for a production frame.
  19. Muel, if they're the dodgy ones, you can pretty much pull them apart. I think Tarty Adam said you could bite them in two.
  20. Norco trials bikes are made for suspension. Suspension has to be lowered quite a bit - down to around 40 or 60mm of travel - to fit a trials bike. At that point, all you get is a trials bike with a heavy front end, that's also soft. The thing is, the only real thing you'd need suspension for - dropoffs, on a trials bike if you learn the correct technique, you absorb the shock with the back wheel, so there's no need anyway.
  21. So, does dyslexia mean you don't know to press the shift key with each letter that begins a sentence? Regardless of dyslexia, it should be simple. Here's a top tip: type as you'd talk. Well, you know now to use the shift key when you begin a sentence... but as you type if you're also thinking of the words in your head, you should be able to place commas and full stops where you'd naturally take a breath or pause as you speak the sentence.
  22. Sweet font you've got there, dude!
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