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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. That's very good, but I wouldn't call fronthops a fundamental move, and I'd prefer to ride for fun, rather than train like that.
  2. Got to go to that spot! Soon, I think.
  3. They seem it. I think the main problem is some of them are really complex and that can lower battery life. My brother's seems to be going good. I think there are more traditional watches that are higher quality, but that's to be expected. Also, some of the more complex ones can also have the display turned off... saves battery.
  4. No, I wanted one but they stopped doing the one I wanted. My brother has one though, that's how I know about the customs thing, lol. They were cheaper then =/ That one I linked to, I'm seriously tempted by that, lol.
  5. "The famous brand FANS trial frame is available." Famous?
  6. Revolver

    The Law.

    Mm, which is why what I put comes into play. On a website, they're able to have the T&Cs avaliable to be looked through, which is legally required. With just ewalking into the shop, they don't have just T&Cs avaliable to be read lying around, thus, they can't add their own contracts like they can to website purchases.
  7. Tokyoflash for fancy watches, particularly ones with a nonstandard way of showing the time But you need to pay import duty stuff on it.
  8. Revolver

    The Law.

    My brother's covered contract law for his degree. He reckons that when you bought the books, it was you offering a price. As they accepted the money, crucially, when the money was exchanged, the contract was sealed - in this case, they would be bound now to supply you with the items for the agreed price. That is indeed contract law! So basically, if you could find a book that said that (take one off the shelf in the shop for added insult) and showed them, you can say that 'it says here, 'tough!''
  9. You ought to get the tricks and stunts video, and try and get hold of a copy of Art of Trials. I found one for free...
  10. A histogram works differently to a bar-chart. With a histogram, the width and the height are both factors. I can't remember exactly what they do now though We're talking 4 years ago, when I last drew one of those f**kers. Proportion, that's what it shows...
  11. Revolver

    The Law.

    I think the difference is, this was in an actual shop, and they've already taken payment.
  12. Ride what you like. If we can only pick TGS and Natural, I'm going to pick natural. I've never really ridden natural though, lol. Everyone rides TGS... even if they're not a TGS rider.
  13. If it's the one I think it is, she reminds me of Taylor Swift. Meh, Hendrix still rumbles deadies.
  14. Not strictly true... a dead lass can't say no, can she?
  15. Tom says: *women are COOOOLD Revolver says: *when they've been in the fridge, yes *wait, are you a necrophiliac? Tom says: *hey *they were still warm when I went in *but that might have been the oven wait... I didn't even think you could ram someone who was cremated. Duuude, this is... ...I'm staying out of this.
  16. I guess in america it's spelt right
  17. if you dont liek you're bike then you mayas well chainge it because then if you get a new one it will probably help you poegress. but we cant suggest a frame you can get insted because we can't know what frame you will like or not like. Just go along to some local rides and ask if you can try other people's bikes. You might find just a different stem or bar setup would help.
  18. Preload - before you jump, quickly sit down onto your tyre so it compresses - this will give you more spring. It works with all moves, not just sidehops.
  19. Maybe so. I just call that a roll up - much simpler to figure out what it is, lol.
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