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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Or do the same with chemical metal, and then never be able to undo it, ever.
  2. I know a dude, he was insured on his car with provisional insurance and it cost maybe £600 Bear in mind you've also added your dad to the policy...
  3. A pillock is a person with one testicle.
  4. You can tint front windows somewhat, but not by loads. For you, you want a car that's 1.0 to 1.2. These are the smaller engines, and so are cheaper to buy petrol for, and to insure. Any car will go plenty fast enough if the mood strikes you. Leave it standard. Be happy you've got a car to lug your bike around in. Sound system is a fair idea though, you can swap that out to the next car if need be.
  5. Buy a shit car, save money wait til you're over 21, buy good car... Same as the other guys have said, really.
  6. He says he thinks you're a f**king mug. So do the rest of us.
  7. The geo I came up with was 1035, 375, +35, so it's pretty similar. I think it was that, anyway.
  8. That geo seems pretty interesting. I'd love to try it out. It looks good too!
  9. Revolver


    Finish off this popular sentance - IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S ----!
  10. Revolver


    Never pick up a pencil again.
  11. I'd go for the 50% cut personally. You might later find that you have enough contacts to arrange the stuff yourself, but I think getting your music out there and promoted is most important for this album, and when you're more established you can find a better deal.
  12. If you're going to download films, get screeners and not cams. Screeners are like a pre-DVD render of a film. Cams are just people with video cameras filming in the cinema, which is wank.
  13. I thought it meant insecurity about something. Haha.
  14. Loads of people dream about that, there's lots of ideas as to what it means on google.
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