Believe it or not, that's a piece of typography with three words: Misery, Victim and Ventilation, that were drawn from a hat for me. This I will always remember as the film poster that I produced in half an hour, after around a week of thinking 'Shit, I don't have an idea!' and coming up with that at the last moment. I think it's good for half an hour or so's work, haha. Another film poster, it's got some words missing because I never actually had to finish it. It's done in the style of Saul Bass, can you tell? This proves I can draw, to some extent. The colouring pissed me off because I did it using the brush tool on PS with my graphics tablet, and it took f**king ages, but there was no way around that I could see. I'll post the rest up (3 more pages) if people are desperate, but the rest is realy badly coloured, because I ended up rushing it. I might post my no award-winning E4 ident in a bit, although strictly speaking it's a video and doesn't belong in this thread, but I'd rather put it with the rest of my shit than in BOTI on its own, even though it's [billandted]totally awesome, dude[/billandted] Ident-ho...
Youtube Video ->
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