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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. The force produced from a rotary engine would result in a smoother ride... When an ordinary egine runs the pistons go up and down, this shakes the engine in the same direction - it's the reason 4-cyliners fire in 1-3-2-4 order, or similar - if they fired in 1-2-3-4 order the engine would shake it and the vehicle apart. A rotary engine will produce centrifugal force. As for gyroscopic effect, I shouldn't think it would be significant enough to make the bike unable to corner. Rotary engines are tiny, because they're so powerful. It would be interesting to see if you could take the engine from a mazda (I'm told they have two rotary engines that work together, around 700cc) and put it in a motorbike. Seeing as motoGP is restricted on engine displacement, a 700cc would be massively more powerful than a 2 or 4 cylinder engine They'd probably make it so you'd have to run maybe a 300cc engine for a rotary - think of the weight saved!
  2. Sounds good... it makes perfect sense. I remember someone telling me about one a long time ago that was so powerful it wheelied whenever you came out of a corner.
  3. I wonder why we don't see any motorbikes with rotary engines... The power to weight of one is better than an ordinary engine. It would give you a massive advantage in the MotoGP, and for road use the bike could be lighter with a smaller engine for the same power, making it a lot easier to ride.
  4. Steel flexes more than aluminium. Advantages are, if you snap it or bend it, you can have it welded or bend it back really easily.
  5. Heh, I know there'll never be one.
  6. If they're so good, lets have a 24" one
  7. Read the guidelines, read a dictionary, learn grammar. Done. Well, demonstrate your learnings by posting good posts, then done.
  8. That means you're doing it wrong. Put brake in water Undo bleed screws Cover lever hole with finger fully, leave slave hole uncovered Press lever all the way in quickly. With the lever depressed, quickly cover the slave hole with your finger fully, and leave the lever hole uncovered Release the lever quickly Repeat many times.
  9. WMP and Itunes are both capable of having films in their library... Try putting some in Itunes, if you've got the names right then they'll show up just like songs.
  10. Sadly, no selling in NMC includes this.
  11. Stand by for Anzo, he seems to be able to fix any computer problem posted on here.
  12. First one - find device manager in the control panel, look for the network adapter section and find the proper name for the network card, then look on an internet-capable computer for drivers for it. Second one - find device manager in the control panel, look for the sound controller section and find the proper name for the sound card, then look on an internet-capable computer for drivers for it.
  13. That was f**king epic.
  14. There is no answer to this question.
  15. No, I'll find it for you. http://www.bike4.eu/?cat=1&paged=2 Bottom of the page
  16. Worst luck - either my chain snapping and me going over on a drop, or when I tried an up-to-front and hit the side of the wall and bent my lever on my leg. Best time on my bike - possibly when I rode in lboro with part of the POWER TRIALS lads and learnt to pinch gap. That felt good!
  17. What IS the best frame? I vote for this.
  18. Get some pikes! My mates revelations definately have a knob on the top. Hardly any rockshox forks don't have travel adjust on now.
  19. I believe my friend has a set of Revelation forks, they go from 130 to 100mm of travel. They've got the nice flippy-up travel adjusting knob as well, not like my set of Recons. They're pretty good as well, I'd recommend them.
  20. Haha, that lancia fake sucked. I like the stratos. And the other one Jeremy drove in africa.
  21. Tarty used to do them... Ring onza/supercycles, they'll have some knocking around somewhere.
  22. It looked like too many sidehops to me. Rather, too many sidehops of the same thing.
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