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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. True, but unless it's a few particular ones, which it isn't, you can safely say it's 135.
  2. Get some of the cool shimano AM shoes, they make your feet stick to any pedal But don't get them if you're a retard, I don't want to have the same shoes as a retard.
  3. May as well swap for a pair of kenda bluegrooves, but street is still possible on a pair of high rollers, it shouldn't stop you.
  4. This indeed has been asked many a time. You can get away with DMR tyres if you have good tubes. I've got a big high roller on the rear and a schwalbe tabletop on the front, which is dead light. If you want to do street, I might suggest a pair of DMRs. If you want to do more trials, a rear kenda blue groove perhaps, and a front DMR If you want to do mostly trials maybe get the smaller high roller, it comes in two sizes, and a DMR front.
  5. A Marino. You'd want to take the geometry of an existing spin-happy 26", like a zebdi or an orange zero, and give it maybe +25 bb rise. BB rise helps for spins, and for trials, so it would be ideal because then it would still feel like a trials bike.
  6. If it's an echo rim, then remember they're anodized really hard so it'll take an extra bit of effort getting it off.
  7. Thing about that though... Go on tartybikes and list the 24" rims by weight aaaand - The rhyno lite is the lightest rim.
  8. Revolver


    Proof #1 that the person who's selling that brake is retarded - Proof #2 that the person who's selling that brake is retarded - they can't spell bleed or lever.
  9. Hmm... I guess you could always put a turbo on after
  10. This was posted in the NMC thread about this bike.
  11. Cool. I don't mind getting one from Spain if I have to. Looking forwards to this, I think. The graphics I've seen for it look cool!
  12. Do you know where you will be able to get one of these in England?
  13. Do you still actually have to rebuild it? I was reading about mazda's rotary engines, it said you had to rebuild the old ones every 50,000 miles, like in the mazda cosmo, but not in the renesis engine...
  14. Ha, well, you'd know, lol. When you read about them you hear that they're meant to have a higher fuel usage than an ordinary cylinder engine... but I don't reckon that takes into account the fact the engine produces twice the power a cylinder engine would at the same capacity. What's engine braking and stuff like in your car?
  15. Ah, right... Maybe if they used ceramics it would be lighter, I understand the engine is fairly heavy lol.
  16. The original limitation of the rotary engine, and the reason it hadn't been developed for a long time, is the fact we lacked the technology to make a material to go inside it. The first wankel engines had a rotor and cylinder made of a conventional metal, and after not such a long time they'd wear down so when igniting the spark would migrate into the other chambers and f**k it up. Mazda's engines use some kind of ceramic, I think, which stops this happening. It doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all though, which is why they need rebuilding.
  17. The only thing that puts me off rotary engines is the need to rebuild them every so often. There are cylinder engines with worse MPG, lol - the ford GT at 4mpg. Course, a RX7 or even 8 is too much to insure for me so that's the deciding factor really.
  18. Yeah... I guess cause they've got twice the power, it makes sense. Isn't that the same as a 2-stroke?
  19. I think the idea is to produce an entertaining car-based program, rather than a realistic car program. If you like dicking around with cars, watch Top Gear, if you want to know about a car before you buy it, watch Fifth Gear. It's a bit annoying when people pick holes in Top Gear... just watch it and enjoy it and laugh at it, rather than going 'Ehh, they set that up', it doesn't matter, the end result is the same: it's funny!
  20. Revolver


    What happens is when you copy the BB code from wherever it is, it copies a second tag. You need to ideally find the image location and do your own img tags, then they won't be links either Cool zombie, lol, and the trials picture looks good, did you vectorise that or draw it? You've done some nice stuff!
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