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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. What did it do, when you read it?
  2. Hmm... specifically where though?
  3. THE DOORS TO DESTRUCTION ARE OPEN. (If anyone knows what that's from, they win an internet and 1000 cool points)
  4. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  5. Revolver


    May as well put this in here, lol. Night Sound Interactive Narrative project
  6. You are doing great. Just keep practising. There's nothing really else to it.
  7. When work ask you for christmas overtime. When people at work start wearing santa hats (I've got 6!)
  8. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  9. Ever had snow on christmas day? Neither have I =/ But I did get snowed out of school several times when I was up there.
  10. Faggot, you can't win. Yorkshire is the largest county, Yorkshire is the winnest county. f**k you and your southern shite.
  11. To sum up - Yorkshire (l) Yorkshire, where real men live, with real accents, where real beer is made, where real hills are, and real rocks to ride on. Not your southern fairy wishywashy fields and it's all flat. Everyone knows the best roads in England are in Yorkshire.
  12. To be honest, I think a pair of lockrings a la chris king HD axles would do the job just fine. There would have to be something in the place like that, else the axle would slide around. Two-piece cranks like my Charge cranks work by applying pressure on the BB with the crank, but this wouldn't work for trials as we tend to use rather small chainrings.
  13. If someone comes up with an ISIS splined axle for one of those, that would be nice. If I had the tools I'd do it myself.
  14. Prize nao. I'll take the low quality stuffed wolf. RANDYPAN.
  16. Pro tip #2 - Learn to English.
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