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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Yeah. I need to work on both of those, lol. 4-5 was what I was doing, but mosty 7-5-4
  2. Well, usually I just dick around on the guitar, playing the same sort of shit - bluesy sort of solo, or metal-sort of stuff, but I'm fed up of being limited by this. When I beat this then I can go on to learn proper shit and be good... I've played since I was 16, I've actually nearly played for 4 years... and I'm at the level of someone playing maybe 1 1/2 to 2 years. On the other hand, my fingertapping is wicked sick. Davey... I AM concentrating on accuracy when I'm playing at 184... What I'm doing is finding the speed where I screw up at, which today started at 160 and I'm playing this 754 thing over and over again until I can play it without screwing up, then I'm stepping up the speed, and then doing the same. I could play in sync with no problems at, say, 130bpm, cause that's slow, and it's not something that I do when playing slow.
  3. Sort of. I'm doing 754 at 184bmp atm.
  4. Someone else do the practising so I can be better already What happens is, I try stuff like this, get annoyed, and don't play my guitar for a week or so. :@
  5. Yes. I can economy pick downwards reasonably well, maybe faster than I can alternate-pick. f**ksake, everytime I go out of sync it pisses me off.
  6. Any one got any tips? I'm f**ked off with the way I can't pick at anything approaching speed without losing synchronization with my fretting hand. Atm I'm doing: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3 5 2 3 5 - - - - - - - - - over and over again... Anyone got any better ideas? The quicker I can fix this problem the better, lol
  7. Buy a hope if you can afford it, or a FSA pig pro. I've got a pig pro on my jump bike that I've had for... 3 years? Still works nice and smooth, it's been on 3 bikes I think.
  8. I enjoyed the first eposide, which I watched on Danny's facebook profile, lol. Andy, do you reckon you could upload the second episode?
  9. The one where the guy does a grind down a ledge with his chainstay.
  10. It's reasonably straight forward... Some of it is, anyway. The best thing is only needing to power one thing. It's got a lot of potential abilities.
  11. AX3000G Haha This has got a lot of adjustment... it's not shit like a zoom pedal. I had one of those, the bottom of the range one. This one shits on those for fun.
  12. I would've gone for a big multi-FX pedal like my korg AX9000G. It's worth noting it also has the capability to include another pedal in a loop - you could use the tube screamer for the distortion and the korg's modelling/wah/etc powers.
  13. They're actually the same pedal. Interesting how the trialtech ones cost more...
  14. Bring up my post just sounds gay.
  15. You would suffer from malnutrition. You need a varied diet to be healthy.
  16. Revolver


    It 's NOT about that.
  17. Cool, it's gold... What happens when you grind the rim?
  18. Revolver


    Ask the people at T-mobile.
  19. Probably chewed up mud/grass. You can tell because it's made of little balls that are about right for the size of the bird's mouth. Could well be some shit in there too, lol.
  20. I suspect that's a nest for insects, but it's an unusual place for one. House martins? They make hanging nests. Like that.
  21. Haha, I believe you cheated, so no prize for you. It opened the doors for the army base in the middle of the San Andreas map (the original san andreas ) and you could nick the tank out of it
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