Well, usually I just dick around on the guitar, playing the same sort of shit - bluesy sort of solo, or metal-sort of stuff, but I'm fed up of being limited by this. When I beat this then I can go on to learn proper shit and be good... I've played since I was 16, I've actually nearly played for 4 years... and I'm at the level of someone playing maybe 1 1/2 to 2 years. On the other hand, my fingertapping is wicked sick. Davey... I AM concentrating on accuracy when I'm playing at 184... What I'm doing is finding the speed where I screw up at, which today started at 160 and I'm playing this 754 thing over and over again until I can play it without screwing up, then I'm stepping up the speed, and then doing the same. I could play in sync with no problems at, say, 130bpm, cause that's slow, and it's not something that I do when playing slow.